1. day dreaming
2. extreme sarcasm
3. i dont understand but i'll look like i do
4. yes im preppywhen i wanna be
♥ i don't care what anyone thinks i love every kind of music from rap to techno , reggaeton to r&b , im original you idiot !
♥ my wife 4 life ; my baby knows me to well
my loverboy♥ the truth finially comes out im so happy that we are together leaving past relationships behind and focusing on us! 9.21.06 was when we knew that it was meant to be K.A.M.P had to be established well my papi bear just know im yours & you better not get to far from me cuz how am i going to hear your heatbeat? beijao para siempre - te quiero mucho ... oh yeah gotta love those moments when we burst out laughing for no reason at all, and cut eachother off in a conversations, & all the times you call me conaso =] right? i know im spitting mad speghetti 3 but u deserve it