It was a dark stormy night,
thunder clapped in the distance,
Suddenly a vehicle sped past and dissapeared into the dark from whence it came.
Little did it know that it was on it's way into history.
Hi, good evening, morning, afternoon or whenever the muffin you are reading this. We are a band! We like to call ourselves Last Chance Marie. We are three guys and one other who put some musical talent together and created the best darn thing since the iron lung. Those three guys and one other just so happen to be Tim, Tayson, Alex and ... ummmmm, oh ya Josh!
We started this thang some time back in early 2007. We hail from a little place called Belleville, which is in Ontario, which just so happens to be in Canada, which is in the North America, which is in the Northern Hemishpere. What else do you need to know? We like cabbage, how bout that, eh? Also, we three are very extraodinarily good looking, what, oh the fourth one, well he's pretty cool but he better keep his shirt on. Kidding! That's right. Ya so c ya.
Love god, with all your heart, mind, and hardcore.
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