Myspace Layouts
According to experts, my adult industry job would be...
Viagra Dealer
It's no secret that viagra is used a lot in the adult industry, but where does everyone get their pills from? You of course.
Take the Adult Industry Job Quiz
Your Kissing Purity Score: 26% Pure
You're not one to kiss and tell...
But word is, you kiss pretty well. Kissing Purity Test
Your Band Name is:
The Barnyard Elves Band Name Generator
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
You are most like:
You are the MySpace King or Queen of Coolness!All hail the coolness royalty of MySpace! Profiles bow at the feet of your profile. People only wish they could be your friend, and bands compete for your attention. Tom calls you weekly to suck up, and make sure you are happy. You are the one who makes sure the annoying ads are shown to the real losers of MySpace - which you have decreed to be everyone but you.
Take this quiz: How MySpace Cool are you?
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Your Outrageous Name is:
Ima Hore Outrageous Name Generator