God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
An awsome girl who will love me for who i am....and let me do the same.......and id like to see my dad again i miss you so much Big guy love ya We'll be together again some day :)
i like all types of music i like country some rock but i like my rap i gotta keep it gangster know what i mean lol but yea all types
Always down for a movie
love it lol
lol a book for me is waiting for the book to come out on movie then i turn subtitles on and read the movie MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator
my mom for putting up with my shit...and always standing by my side when we both know im wrong lol Fuck ike...:) and my gradnpa youv done a great job of being both my grandpa and my dad and my best freind and thank you so much i love you.....and Dad i miss you like no other i wish i could spend one hour with you and id hug you and never let you go...Im sorry...I love you with all my heart...save me a seat next to you in heaven well live it up.....and my sister shes gone through alot in her short life keep ur head up and learn from my mistakes i love you