HotFreeLayoutsI work as a CNA at a surgery center in Lake Tahoe and on the side I'm an EMT/ Volunteer firefighter. I'm also going to college and waiting to get into nursing school. I'm currently in a surgical tech program and loving every minute of it. I enjoy being able to save peoples lives even if I know them for only a brief second.I'm a really active person and always on the go!!!!.. START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
What kind of jewel are you?
Your beauty is both breathtaking and stunning. Your friends could see you everyday and still be enchanted.
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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. .. END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Your Power Color Is Gold
You're dependable and hard working. You never miss a deadline - and you're never late. You have a clear sense of right and wrong. You're very detail oriented. You get frustrated when your friends are sloppy - or when they don't follow through. You're on top of things, and you wish that everyone else was!What's Your Power Color? Take This Quiz :-)
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