I would like to meet Todd Howell from channel 10 news..I think he is just a very God fearing, loving man who gives the meaning to a "father" and "husband".I just think he is awesome!
I love Project Runway, Reba, American Idol, Roseanne and the Cosby Show...my all time favorites are Andy Griffith show and the Facts of Life!!
I don't read much except for kids books and we love Cat in the hat books...Although I love my bible I just need to read it more!
I have a couple of heroes in my life, I guess i would start with my husband, if it wasn't for him me and my kids wouldn't have a roof over our head and food on our table..I know he gets discouraged but he is truely my hero. My other heroes are my mom and dad and my 3 kids...If it wasn't for all them I couldn't survive!!