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WOW cool MySpace Contact Tables
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WOW cool MySpace Contact Tables
Gansta Happy Feet Remix
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I like alot of oldschool music,when im at work, when i come home it's time for jazz, it's time for relaxing!!!!
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I love Tom Hanks movies, my favorite of him is the green mile.My others are,lil man,Are we there yet? All Friday's with Ice-cube,all prison movies, disney movies, Monster inc. Cars,but of course!!!!!!!!!! MONSTER HOUSE!!!!!!!!.
Survivor, American Idol,Amazing Race, Do you think you can dance.Divorce Court,Cops, Animal chanel,Life,4 sure!! some cooking shows,&Beautiful Homes around the world shows
No time to read because I'm always busy
OF course god, most definitly my husband, my kids, my mother 4 sure, my dad that i miss, and the rest of my family.