Paula Wolfe profile picture

Paula Wolfe

About Me

MOJO **** 'Stirring, mood-shifting, musically inventive, vivid. This is the album that finally puts Wolfe on the map.' Lucy O'BrienUNCUT *** 'A quiet gem. Wolfe's a splendid songwriter. Rather fine.' Nigel WilliamsonMAVERICK 'Stunning miniature dramas and stories and gorgeous vocals.' Laura BethelWORD 'Sensitive singer song writing to warm the cockles.' Jude 'Not quite belonging but caught up in its momentum..Wolfe seems to capture that emotion and turn it into a narrative and ultimately a song. She's got a knack for hitting the mark on both sides of the desk. ' Neil 'A flawless exercise in modern art that boasts enough melody to make this as warm and approachable as possible whilst being unafraid to offer an olive branch to the musos; stunning. ' Tom 'A sophomore release where her Mike Leigh/ken Loach sensibilities remain sharp. A formidable eccentric talent. 'Mike 'LEMON is right up there with the big albums of our time...a real contender, one of the 'must have' albums of the year.'The Irish World 'She confounds the well worn stereotype of what a female singer is and should be. An intriguing album full of exquisitely told stories. LEMON looks set to make its own unique mark on the music world. 'Shelley MarsdenThe Irish Post 'A stirring collection of tunes...Paula is a self proclaimed one-man band of the most modern kind. 'Fiona AudleyBBC Norfolk Introducing 'Up and coming star.' David Kellar Full interview can be heard on Daily Press 'Polished, heartfelt collection but there's steel underneath that sweet exterior with Wolfe's lyrics going to unexpected places.'Trevor 8.5/10 'Musically spot but the best part is Paula Wolfe's voice...amazing ...I'm surprised she isn't a mega star in this country. 'Steve 4/5 'Remarkably fresh.,.the lyrics really do raise this above other musical wallpaper...quiet and intelligent.' 'All this album needs is one song to get some airplay and Paula Wolfe will become much more widely known as she has the songs to back her undoubted vocal talent.' Jason RitchieZeitgeist 'A rather accomplished set...interesting songs and arrangements lift the album into the realms of the very good.' Stuart A. 'Textured, well produced and Wolfe has a beautiful voice. The story telling nature of the tracks make them resonate in your consciousness.' Greg 'Her production, song writing and construction are excellent.. It’s quite rare to hear about female producers and I’m pretty sure she would find her services in demand if she offered them. ' 'Lemon is a solid album and will no doubt solidify Wolfe's live following.'Download on iTunes.comBuy CD on Amazon and

My Interests


Member Since: 15/04/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Paula Wolfe
Influences: Rickie Lee Jones, Tom Waits, Andy Sheppard, Be Good Tanyas, Patti Smith, Cassandra Wilson, Vivian Westwood, Tracy Thorn, Barbara Hepworth, Carol Ann Duffy, Scott Fitzgerald, my family, good friends, good food, good wine.
Record Label: Sib Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Mercury Music Prize 2009

Well, the album is now with the judges...may the songs meet with a favourable response!
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 00:35:00 GMT

The Guardian Hay Festival, Hay-on-Sky, Sky Arts.

Well, the gals and myself had a sublime time at The Guardian Hay Festival last weekend. As anyone in the UK will know, the weather was just gorgeous. We were wonderfully looked after and both the show...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jun 2009 13:12:00 GMT

The Borderline supporting Eileen Rose

Well, me and the gals are all ready for next week's gig at The Borderline supporting Eileen Rose - caught a sneak preview of her session for Bob Harris, she's great, so it should be a good night all r...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 19:55:00 GMT

Introducing the band

It has been very remiss of me not to mention the two wonderful women who have been playing live with me since May, so before we hit the road again, may I introduce, first of all, Cath Evans. Cath play...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 01:36:00 GMT

Paula Wolfe Live at Acoustic Routes Cambridge UK
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:42:00 GMT

letter from Mexico

¡Hola! No hace muy buen tiempo y el trafico es horrible pero la gente son simpatica, la musica es estupenda, y ¡ he hecho muchos nuevos amigos! Hasta luego x    
Posted by on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 15:14:00 GMT