i'm n0 l0nger g0ing t0 l0ok f0r a guy.
i'm n0t g0ing t0 try t0 talk t0 him first,
i w0n't try t0 get him t0 put me in his life.
if a guy wants me, then he can find me.
if he wants t0 talk, then he can talk.
&if he wants me in his life,
he can find a way t0 put me there.
i'm s0o sick 0f waisting my time when i kn0w it's g0ing t0 end up the same way.
l0oking f0r a diff ending t0 the same 0ld f*ing st0ry. sh0w me y0ur w0rth my time.
::say hello t0 three 0f 0ur amazing angels::
*j0n david harris0n.
*chelsey dawn muarguia.
*&christian dean fernandez.
mark my w0rds;
"they will A L W A Y S be l0ved &N E V E R will be f0rg0tten♥"
[there's seri0usly n0t a day that g0es by that y0u guys d0n't cr0ss my mind. they are what makes me n0t afraid t0 die. ive had s0me incredible mem0ries with these three. &i will never f0rget them.] tw0 days in my life that i wish never happened. december 30th. 2006. &july 13th 2007.
Cirsten j0y b0ggs.
this girl is [A M A Z I N G]. i seri0usly can talk t0 her ab0ut anything &everything. she's been thr0ugh a l0t. &she can relate in s0 many ways. she's seri0usly s0o str0ng. i d0n't kn0w h0w she d0es it. she's deff. always g0ing t0 be my
she h0nestly deserves s0o much m0re then what pe0ple give her credit f0r. il0vey0u! ! dehhh [: