About Me
i started to write a Blog . its utter crap, but read if u must.
i love making music, i love my decks and guitars, i might even love you but you dont know about it. Some people call me confusing, i think i'd agree.
This month you could change everything.†What is a month anyway, an amalgam of moments and days, good moods and bad, energy and lethargy? A month is impossible to get your arms around, impossible to master and control. Even a day has that vast quality, with its moments of sadness and hope and the many mundane things that we artificially lump into a whole.
But a minute. This minute. This passing minute. Right now.
It’s the only thing we control and the one thing we overlook so completely and consistently. We spend our days thinking and dreaming of the future, or dreading what’s to come, and regretting and remembering days gone by. And in the process we forget this precious minute, this lovely second, the one in which you move and breathe. Right now.
Right now, you could get up from where you are and you could leave everything behind. You could buy a one-way plane ticket and go somewhere new. Right now you could call that person you haven’t talked to in years. Right now you could propose that crazy idea to your boss or to that company you want to work for, or to that person you’ve imagined could finance your dream. Right now you could seek out a homeless person and have a conversation over a meal. Right now.
Of course you probably won’t do any of those things. You’ll probably keep doing whatever you were doing a minute ago, and what you’ll be doing next minute. The only thing that’s certain about this minute is that it’s passing. It’s passing you by and will never be back.
My Blog
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