I'm A Str8 Rydaaaaaaa! U Don't Wanna Fuck profile picture

I'm A Str8 Rydaaaaaaa! U Don't Wanna Fuck

You just have to go after what you want-& if it dosent want you back-Then so be it-It dosent des

About Me

ThE NaMe Is JeRiCa ALaNa HaRDiNg n I'm 19 YeArS oLd
I WaS bOrN oN fEbUaRy 14Th-AkA vALeNtiNe'S dAy
I HaVe BLuE EyEz, WhiCh TuRn DiFf ShAdEs Of GrAy n GrEeNs
I'm 5'2iSh" N wEiGh AbOuT 115pDs-MoStLy MuScLe
My NaTuRaL hAiR CoLoR iS bLoNdE,BuT BrOwNiSh NoW
I'm CuRrEnTLy SiNgLe @ ThE tImE bEiNg. IdOLs R MySeLf,BriTnEy SpEaRs,ChRiStiNa AgULiErA,PaRiS HiLtOn
I'm A VeRy OuT gOiNg-TrUsT wOrThY-BLuNt-HoNeSt PeRsOn
AnYtHiNg YoU AsK mE oR wAnNa KnO- ThEn I'll TeLL yOu!
I LoVe ThE CoLoR piNk n My LuCkY # iS 6
I HaVe A VeRy GoOd HeArT N TrEaT PpL tHe WaY tHeY tReAt Me
PeOpLe TeNd 2 TaKe Me 4 GrAnTeD @ TiMeZ N "tRy" 2 UsE mE
JuSt DoN't GeT oN mY bAd SiDe-I TeNd 2 HaVe A TeMpEr
TaLk Or TrEaT mE LyKe ShYt-I DaRe YoU-I SnAp BaCk QuIck!
My LiFe HaS LiTtEraLLy BeEn HeLL tHeSe PaSt FeW mOnThS
I'm FaCiN 9 YrS oF PrIsOn TyMe RyTe NoW 4 SoMe1 LiEiN oN mE
I PrAy-WiSh-n-HoPe ThAt eVeRyThiNg TuRnS oUt 4 ThE bEsT
FaVoRiTe GrOuPs ArE BoNe ThUgS n DaShBoArD CoNfEsSiOnAL
I aLwAyZ fEeL LyKe RuNnIn AwAy Or DiEiNg
PpL TeNd 2 TuRn On Me ALOT FriEnDs-BoYfRiEnDs-EvEn FaMiLy
I HATE dRaMa NoW, iT gEtS u NoWhErE iN LiFe, OnLy In TrUbLe
It'S tYmE 2 CoNsEnTrAtE oN mY LyFe GoALs N gEt My LyFe STr8
I'm AlWaYz MySeLf N WiLL nEvEr AcT LiKe SuMtHiN i'M Not
I LoVe SpOrTs! My FaVoRiTeS R BoXiNg n UFC
I LuV 2 Be InDePeNdAnT n Do ThiNgS oN mY oWn ALL ThE TyMe
I HaVe LiVeD iN mAnSfiELd ALL mY LiFe, I HaTe iT!
I tEnD tO gEt In MoOdS WhErE I DiStAnCe MySeLf FrOm EvErYoNe
If YoU KnO mE, YoU'd KnO mY ALL TyMe FaV sOnG...
It'S CrAzY AbOuT yA By MeRcEdEs n MaStEr P
WhEn I HaVe A SiGnIfIcAnT oThEr-It'S ALL AbOuT hIm
I'v ALwAyZ bEeN ReAdY 2 SeTtLe DoWn-N 2 sTaRt A FaMiLy
CaN't WaIt TiL mY ShiNiNg ArMoR SwOoPs Me OfF my FeEt
I WiSh I cOuLd FLy, LiTtEraLLy- So I DiDn'T hAvE 2 DeAL W/sHiT
I'm A vErY bRaVe-ScArEd-N-CuRiOuS yOuNg InDiViDuAL
I HATE CiGgS! AnD tHe SmOkE- I DoN't JuDe WhO SmOkEs ThO
I WaNa Go BuNgEe JuMpiNg ThIs SuMmEr SoOo BaD!
I LoVe HeIgHtS-FeArS-RuShEs, AnYtHiNg To KeEp My HeArT rAciNg
I'm ALwAyS Up 2 TrYiN NeW tHiNgS n WiLL TrY aNyThiNg OnCe
I'M a ShOe N SuNgLaSsEs FaNaTiC- EsPeCiALLy LuV J's n HeELs
I'm NoT a BiG PaRtY'r, OnLy On OcAsSiOnS, BaD tHiNgS HaPpEn
JeReMy GeNe GaNtZ,My Ex,EaChOtHeRs 1St EvErYtHiNg..
JeReMy PaSsEd AwAy-TrAgGiC cAr AcCiDeNt-BrAiN dAmAgEd-RIP/
ThAt WaS THE HaRdEsT tHiNg ThAt I HaVe EVER WeNt ThRoUgH
I WaS aLsO iN a 3 YeAr AbUsSiVe ReLaTiOnShiP
Do I ReGrEt It? NeVeR WoULd I TaKe It BaCk. WhY?..
It MaDe Me A StRoNgEr PeRsOn n MaDe Me WhO I aM ToDaY
I LyKe 2 ShOp,TaN,Go On VaCaTiOnS,TaLk On ThE pHoNe-DaNcE.
I DriVe A FoRd ExPLoReR n A cHeVy MaLiBu-BoTh DaRk GrEeNs
I CaN't wAiT 2 HaVe KiDs,I'll Be ThE bEsT MoMmY eVeR!
I WaNt 2 JuSt GeT uP n LeAvE ThIs ToWn/StAtE n NeVeR CuM BaC
My gUrLs R mY LiFe-WiThOuT tHeM i'D B iMcOmPLeTe I LuV ThEm!

My Interests

RIP Jeremy Gene Gantz!♥
I Miss n Love you soOoOo much Baby! Things just aren't the same without you around ='( Please keep watch'n over me n ur sister Holly n the rest.. Til this day she is still one of my Bestfriends! Sumtimes, all we can do is just hold n hug eachother n cry from thinking n talking about you. Why did he have to take you so soon?! I was in the hospital room, and also the last one they litterally had to drag off of you, after the doctor's announced that you were brain dead, and had to pull the plug. That's a day I'll never forget. I Member u squeezing my hand b4 u died.. and Baby, after you passed, when I was in my house alone, I did hear you tell me to "come here" n when u said "I love you" twice, and we seen you in the picture over ur grave of me n Holly huggin..I kno ur with us still.. I need you to keep doing ur job, by helping us through our tough times n everything else we do. You were always there for me through thick n thin, I never had to worry bout anyone hurting me or messing with me, cus I knew that you n Justin always had my back through it all. You always kept me laughing n a smile on my face, them r the days where nuthin mattered but you. I can't believe all this traggic happened on my road..I'll never foget hearing all them sirens, I've never heard so many in my life. And..that phone call from Holly.. I was one of the first she called.."Jerica, my brother is dead".. I was in shock, I couldn't talk,no nuthin.. Then we hung the phone up, then it all hit me.. I Never cried so hard in my life. I thank God everyday for blessing me by granting me with such a wonderful person in my life. You taught me so much.. I'll never foget them Long nyte of me n Holly Sneaking you n Justin over, n laying outside in the Pine Trees under the stars just holding eachother, it felt so right, I felt like everything was perfect, n u held me away from any harm...You are my guardian angel..That I kno.I hope I get to see you soon! ='( RIP

I'd like to meet:


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