Hello there, we are almost ace, a band from
Wellington, New Zealand.
Almost ace are a gangster crew from Wellignton in New Zealand.
We began as a joke band called Enema Erection - that later became serious... However we felt a name change is in order as we're tired of getting looked down upon by fucking serious and proper people.
One day in a land far far away: in December 2006... Max and Vance decided to do some song-writing. In that time we came up with a whole song - The emo song, this song was later changed to the rape song. Thus Enema Erection was born.
EE began as a comedy-punk band taking the piss with rubbish songs, about rubbish topics.
This soon changed after the writing and recording of the songs, when we recorded 'I'm serious' - Our first not joking song, changing us to pop-punk.
Benji Charles Sando III joined our band in early 2008, after a long period of not finding a drummer. Benjiman is exactly the guy we needed to elevate our level of playing. With a set we believe to be pretty good, we have begun to hit Concert scene, if you need a band to play any show in the wellington reigon then we'd be keen to play, just hit us up about it or something like that.
But although what we have told you we seem to come across as serious guys, we're definatley not, we love to have a laugh and take the piss out of seemingly serious situations.