About Me
you may not like what you hear
^^My day to shine
My Name Is Jacqui
I'm addicted to this one show:
There comes a time when every life goes off course.
In this desperate moment you must choose your direction.
Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are?
Or will you label yourself?
Will you be honored by your choice?
Or will you embrace your new path?
Each morning you choose to move forward or
to simply give up.
Sophia Bush = Role Model ♥
I am person
and I am always
All i ask for is:
- to know and love the real me
I'm very nice & sweet
Family means the world to me
Friends are the ones i run to & worship.
Im not your baby.
im boy free,
but single doesnt always mean that im available
Yes, I can be a huge bitch
But that side of me only comes out when you piss me off
If you don't like me for me,
< call me a hoe
I'll laugh in your face
your boys probably screwing the two cent hoe on your corner
I try to surround myself with love & honesty
It's harder than you may think.
I keep my head held high
Like I'm proud, not a snob
I love these amazing people in my life
Their called my friends<3
I'm pretty much a city girl stuck an art scene.
Colorful possibilities, dark realities.
Acting is my passion,
Although I'm only doing modeling for right now.
I'm 5'2 one of the shortest kids,
pale skin,brunette
& see the world through blue eyes
I cannot wait to be 22 years old.
I desperately want to graduate, & move on with my life.
I've learned that I am an amazing driver even though i just started
I recently found out I have a bad habit of talking too much.
My bad,
Partying is what i do best.
I'm really crazy once you get to know me well
I dont trust people easily so
if you have my trust, keep it please
great minds discuss ideas;
average minds discuss events;
small minds discuss people.
Drama, lies, backstabbing, sex, partying
That's the high school years
Doubt me,
Ill show you better than ever before
Tell me what to do
ill tell you off
Break me,
nah bitch, NEVER
tell me im not worth it,
and ill show you i am.
Call me a bitch
and ill show you one.
Screw me over,
and ill do it to you.
twice as bad.
I live how i want to live,
Making my own mistakes,
Learning by what some would say the hard way
no day is truly over
if it makes a memory
Drunken minds
speak sober hearts.
I always fall for the assholes
who use me for their own reasons
I do get entertained by
a little bit of every thing.
im so beyond easily amused!
Pink is my favoriteeee color!
i love photography!
whether its in front
of the camera, or behind <3
I love hugs♥
Just not from creepy fags
i love running.
its exhilarating.
Soccer = happiness
Being POPULAR Is ovverrated.
I enjoy being different
I hope you start to realize
I dont give a dam about your drama
When i say i love you,
i mean it
I don't hide my feelings very well
But i still try
my friends always come first ♥
I love fashion
Purses is my obsession♥
Love’s when . . . . you miss him
even before he leaves. And say good bye
could listen to him talk all night and
never get tired of hearing his voice
When just the sound of his name
sends chills down your spine
and you see him smile
the second you
close your
"if at one time it made you smile,
dont you dare ever regret it!"
Music is my way through life
you are the key to my heart
so no matter what you and your
crew say you have done, just remember;
we have all ready
sneaking out, hanging out,
making out, and passing out,
whatever happens, happens,