Oliver A. Branch, III Official My Space profile picture

Oliver A. Branch, III Official My Space

About Me

Oliver A. Branch, III, Composer / Lyricist.His message is one of comfort and love to all people.Purchase CDs @ http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/robertrobinson

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Member Since: 4/14/2007
Band Website: www.oliverabranch.com
Band Members: ENGINEERS: Bryan Mengy, David Soukup, Jake "The Snake" Wagner, Jonathan Moehnke, Krishan Dassrath, Mark "The Kid" Menglekoch, Mike Andrie & Travis Wilhelmi.MUSICIANS: Bass Guitar, Piano, Drums, Percussions, Horns & Strings programing by Victor L. Smith. Drums by Charles "Chazz" Reed. Keyboards & Percussion programing by Keith Porter. Lead Guitar by 2 time Grammy Award winning Guitarist, LaSalle Gabriel. Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano & Percussions programing by Oliver A. Branch, III, Producer.Produced by Oliver A. Branch, III , Recorded & Mixed @ Flyte Tyme Studio., SLR Records in Edina, Minnesota, the previous recording facilities of Legendary Producers Jimmy "Jam" Harris & Terry Lewis. Photographs provided by Robert Robinson Music.
Influences: Gospel Music
Sounds Like: http://www.last.fm/music/Oliver+A.+Branch%2C+III/+albums
Record Label: EPP / E'lan Publishing & Productions
Type of Label: Indie

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