Well, most of my time is spent with my mean lil' Dante. He'll be 3 in Nov, so he's a pretty busy guy. I'm 29, straight outta N. Sioux City, SoDak. I'm in Sioux City, now. I'm all about good friends & good times! I f'in love the dirty guys with tattoos. (A little Hepatitis C never hurt anyone.) I'm up on my vaccinations! I have a few tattoos, myself. I work in surgery. ALOT of fun times there! I pretty much mesh well with most people. I'm thinkin' "if you're what makes ya happy & as long as it's not hurting anybody, do it!" People are way too hung up on what society's perception of them is. The "odd" people that stand out in the crowd, have the best stories to tell!Your Adult Film Star Name Is: E.Z. Lay
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