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About Me

to make this short and sweet, i was born without grace, i make alot of mistakes, however i have really great friends, and thats about all that is important to me. And looking back on what I just said, most of it rhymed, damn.

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Is the glass half full or half empty? full of coarse!
Are/were you the cool kid in school? im ight be well known but im not really popular or "cool"
Are you a lover or a fighter? lover (mainly cause i cant fight)
Have you ever been in love? yeah actually i have
If so how many times? sorry not your business
Ok, now how many of them actually matter? love matters all the time with everyone
Who were the most influ. people in your life? my friends and family
Do you flex in the mirror? flex what?
What do you prefer; dogs or cats? i love them both!
Do you believe in casual sex? i believe in it but dont participate
Do you smoke? nope
If so, what kind of cigarettes do you smoke? n/a
How many kids do you want, once its time to have kids? however many im blessed with
On average, who is smarter, guys or girls? what do you think? girls!!
What do you prefer; pain, pleasure, or both? pain makes the pleasure more pleasurable
Is there one heart you regret breaking? i cant say that i break too many hearts
If you could sit down with one person, dead of alive, and have a conversation, who would it be? my grandfather who is the greatest person i know and is dead
Have you ever cut yourself? not intentionally
Do you find yourself attractive? depends on who is looking at me
Is there anyone you truly hate? no
What colour are you eyes? brown
What would you do for a million dollars? what are my choices?
How many tats and/or piercings do you have? 2
What are the 3 things you notice first about the opposite sex? laugh/smile attitude and eyes
What would you sell your soul for? a dollar...jk guys jk! nada id keep it!
What is the song that describes you? im not good with song titles
Who is your idol? i dont look up to or down to anyone
Are you afraid of tomorrow? no way
When as that defining point in your life when you decided who you were gonna be? i still dont know and probably never will know what wil become of me

My Interests

Im interested in a lot of things i suppose. I love all of my friends, old ones, new ones, close ones, distant ones, I love them all. I love my family. I love my boyfriend who is constantly helping me out and making me smile(kudos to Ramie). I play tennis, and have recently found myself playing volleyball. I love challenging myself on the piano, and window shopping downtown. I like laying on rooftops and looking at stars (it may sound lame, but its very relaxing and captivating, especially with the right people) I did love riding around at night with the windows down chiilin, but damn gas prices went up so i dont do that too much anymore. I love listening to music and making lists of things i would love to do and plan to do but know i never will.

I'd like to meet:

david bowie wearing spandex


Awwwe a tough I really with all honesty listen to everything. Variety is the spice of life right? Anyhow if it concerns you that much, here are a few faves of mine: Louis Armstrong, System of a Down, B.B King, the Beatles, Eric Clapton, Led Zepplin, Avenged Sevenfold, DropKickMurpheys, Ying Yang Twins, OLD OLD GreenDay, CoheedAndCambria, Ludacris, Kanye West, Brand New, AFI, NormaJean,Sublime, MarcyPlayground,Thrice, Bob Marley, Atreyu, PinkFloyd, Marvin Gaye, CCR,RHCP, Tool/APerfectCircle,and naturally there are like a bazillion more but i am exceptionally to lazy to try to think about them and type them up, im sure you know how it goes!


I love old Doris Day movies, I love Pretty in Pink, the Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, I love Disney animated movies (the older classics of coarse), Donny Darko, A Clockwork Orange, Jacob the Liar, Love Actually, Garden State, any Johnny Depp movie, any Tim Burton movie, old skool Stars Wars, Indiana Jones, Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a hoot, and like i said about music, I cant really think or feel like typing up any more, however i love watching movies of all genres.


i dont really watch that much T.V., but i do love some old cartoons, like Rockos Modern life, Beavis and Butthead, Ren and Stimpy, Ahhhh Real Monsters, and such. Cartoons are pretty cool. I also watch a good bit of music videos. And then occasionally Ill watch the History channel or something. Porn is always good for a laugh too.


JackDaws, Farewell to Manzanar, Number the Stars, The Time Piece, I have a passion for children's books, picture books, pop ups, Dr. Suess, you name it! Poetry is fun when im in the mood. Recipe books are actually a pretty good read too. The Da Vinci Code, When in Rome, House on Mango Street, and Im sure there are plenty more. Im a nerd and read a lot. I especially love magazines!!


the only hero i have is Leo,,my cat

My Blog

Why Is Everyone Else So Damn Cool???

Why is it that we as human beings degrade ourselves in believing that there is always someone "cooler" or prettier or more fun or whatever and forget our own special qualitites to live up to others' v...
Posted by Chelsea on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 03:26:00 PST

My First Time

So this is a my first time. I really don't know what i should say. Surely nothing that is of great interest to anyone reading this. Let's see, tomorrow I'm leaving with Keri to go to FL th...
Posted by Chelsea on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST