George profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a computer geek by trade. Started my profession back in 1981 in my hometown of Norwalk, CT after a 4 year tour with the U.S. Navy which had no bearing on what I do (was in Visual Communications with a sideline specialty of Photographic Intelligence). I do not have a formal degree from any University, College or Trade Institution, but did graduate with honors from The School of Hard Knocks... This qualified me to play with Mainframes, Mid-Range, SUN, UNIX and AIX operating systems and applications that are too numerous to list. Got tired of those toys after 12 years and was introduced to computer networking in 1993 and never looked back. Network Management and the applications to debug problems on local area networks as well as wide area networks are my strong suite - Now, if I could only degug problems with ME, I would be well-rounded and every womans dream....Bored Yet?? Well, if you like the book, your going to LOVE the movie!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God has put so many people in my life and I know that he will continue to do so.....And EVERY single one of them have had some type of influence on me - Some great; some good; some not so good - But the people that have been put there since January of 2007 have changed my life on nothing but a positive basis - FOR TODAY!!!!! make me feel that it is OK to be George........Being on the same page is what we always strive for, but there is something good to be said by just reading the same book, and when that magical chapter is reached and read together, it will be revealed by the author...I know....."There he goes talking about that damn book again"!!!!

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