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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Well, I'm 21 years old and a straight baller. I'm currently a student at UTSA and live in SA for my time there. I'm pretty much a sexy beast....beautiful eyes, sexy hair, chiseled abs, etc... Basically I'm a Brad Pitt look-a-like. I love just chillin' with my friends and doing whatever. I also LOVE movies whether I'm at the theatre or just at home. I also like actually theatre and plays. Dancing is super fun. If I'm making you smile then I'm happy. I love the Texas Longhorns more than almost everything. You better believe I'll be watching them EVERY Saturday during football season. I have a wonderful family that does whatever they can for me. Working sucks, but money is good. I just like having a good time and laughing while having it. I'm searching for my very own Rachel McAdams because she is SOOOO dreamy. Old people are so sweet. They've lived so long and there's so much to learn from. Yeah, anyways...
Holla at ya boi!

My Blog


I like girls, no joke.
Posted by on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 23:15:00 GMT