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I am interested in a little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.
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A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Becky
Birthdate:: 12/13/1976
Birthplace:: SGH
Current Location:: Marietta
Eye Color:: blue
Hair Color:: dk. black
Height:: 5'7"
Your webpage:: your on it
Are you taken?: no
Are you a virgin?: no
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: n/a
What's your job?: nurse
What's your Dream Job?: lotto winner 4 life
Who is your best friend?: Amy&Tina
What instruments do you play?: n/a
What are your hobbies?: play on the puter, reading and hangin w/friends
What are your goals?: pay off ALL my bills, 2B happy someday
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: sky no bungee yea
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: anything that will spark my imagination
How would do describe yourself?: good listner, boisterious, independant
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: astrology
What do you daydream about?: being happy and having no worries
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: i believe in a lil bit of everything, i think all religions are equal
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One:: i would believe in myself more
Two:: able to forgive
Three:: weight
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: shy
Spender or Saver?: both
Truth or Dare?: truth
Books or Movies?: books
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: action adventure
Cats or Dogs?: cats
Mountain or Beach?: beach
Sweet or Salty?: sweet
Do You...
Smoke?: no
Drink?: no
Get annoyed easily?: yes
Like to travel?: i would like to
Like to drive fast?: no
Sing well?: no
Want kids?: idk
-----What would you name a boy?: ????? Sidell
-----What would you name a girl?: Lilyann Mae or Eva Mae
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: yes, Hamlett
Been in a car accident?: yes
Been out of the country? Where?: no
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: omg i don't remember
The last movie you saw in the theater?: Rush Hour 3
The last movie you rented?: Number 23
Your greatest fear?: love
Your greatest strength?: idk
Your greatest weakness?: scared to take a chance
Your happiest memory?: my grandma (mom)
Your Favorite...
Movie:: Princess Bride & theRush Hour movies
TV Show:: Scrubs is my fav comedy
Actor:: Jonny Depp
Actress:: don't have 1
Food:: Chineese
Drink:: diet pepsi
Color:: blue
Scent:: depends on my mood
Season & WHY:: spring, b/c its getting warm
Day of the week & WHY:: any day that i am off
Store:: walmart
Quote:: They wont remember what you said or what you did, but they WILL remember how you made them feel.
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: in the end it is the woman's choice, but it shouldn't be used as "birth control"
Homosexuality:: there is nothing wrong with it, love is love period.
God:: i believe that there is a higher power, but i don't believe in everything that is in the bible.
Jesus:: see above
Satan:: i don't think he is real.
Heaven:: there is a place where there is no sickness or sorrow.
Hell:: there is a place where really bad ppl go, like killers, rapest, ect.
Miracles:: some things just can not be explained.
Astrology:: there is some truth to it, but your day to day life shouldn't depend apon it.
War:: What is it good for? Absolutly nothing.
Ghosts:: they are souls that are visiting or don't know that they have died.
Reincarnation:: if you go to "heven" you have a choice to be reincarnated.
Karma:: whatever you do WILL come back to you.
Luck:: you make your own luck
Aliens:: they are not real.
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I’d like to meet people that are laid back and easy going. People that don’t thrive on drama. I'd like to meet new and different ppl, and any old friends that I haven't seen for a while. I want to meet people that will give me honesty, respect and LOVE, so I can give it back to them. And if ya can throw a little bit of FUN in there too, go right ahead!!!Romance
Romance is most important in a boyfriend/girlfriend. You need romance in your life. You love the extra dimension that romance brings to a relationship and you tend to fall in love very quickly.
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My music interests vary, with my mood. It can vary, from Mozart to Maralyn Manson, Guns N Roses to Justin, and Faith Hill to Ludacris. Makes me a cool chick to have on a car ride, dontcha think.
A lil bit of everything, but I tend to stay away from dramas. I would love to watch a good horror flic that would scare the crap out of me!!!!
Whatever happens to be on someone elses tv. I don't have cable
I like the Harry Potter series. I know I'm 30 something years old but I like to read books that fire up my imagination. I also like the Sleeping Beauty series written by Ann Rice. (under a different name though)
Savannah M. Whitten Zilpha M. Carter Archie S. Carter The only three people that has loved me unconditionally and has saved me in more ways that one. and mom of course