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About Me

WHAT WE DO.... We help you obtain your files from Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. We review with you the files to identify inaccurate or negative information and then we show you on how to get them removed. All inquiries, old names, and previous addresses can be removed.We only take on a handful of clients at a time, Therefore you get the personal attention you need.Your credit rating/score is checked when you apply for a mortgage, wish to buy real estate, apply for a car loan or if you are securing financing for any other major purchase. While many people believe that having credit cards improves your score, it does not mean you have a good rating - only that you have existing accounts. Have you had a bankruptcy? We educate you on how to restore your credit so that the past event do not haunt your future. We show you on. We stay with you for life, because cleaning up your credit is not a one time event. It is a life-long relationship where we monitor your file to ensure that any inaccurate or negative information is removed - keeping your score high - for life! While you can do this all by yourself without paying for our services, we are experts in this field and years of experience, and since this is our only business we will save you time, effort and hassle while providing you our expertise. We make it simple. Just leave it to us. We show you how to dispute your issues directly with the credit reporting agencies using methods carefully designed by our staffed credit wizards to produce the optimal result. We know exactly how the credit reporting agencies aka CRA function. The one thing we are highly educated on is your rights. Let us make the process of credit repair easy for you and a rewarding one too! We are Quick, Thorough, and Aggressive. Contact us for A FREE consultation.Don't suffer from bad credit any longer, sign up today for our credit repair educationFree yourself today!

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