I enjoy saving the world. Defeating evil villins and Having fun while doing it.I am one extream Dog!!I like to keep people guessing so don't ask me what my name is. (it's for my safety).I like to help the "underdogs" in the world.I allow people to have fun at my expence. I like setting them up for it.Let's have some fun!!!!!
People with Dirty shoes.I Need the money.
I like all types (even country)I expecially like OneDay Closer!!I'm Ryan's Hero, if you don't believe it go check him out.I also like everything Mike B plays. He's an awsome player. Don't tell him though cause he'll get a big head.I don't like cheazy lyrics that sound like a primary school kid just came up with them. You know the ones that ryme alot and just sound like crap.
I'm hoping that they make a movie about me someday soon!!
I like tv. tv is fun.
Myself but I do look up to other heros.Superman, he's much like me but he's not a dog and he's from another planet.Spiderman, he's very agileWounder Woman, She's just hot!Shazam, He's like a Superman but outdatedAnd most of all....Jesus Christ, He took me out of the mirey clay. He saved my life and promised me eteral life with him. I didn't have to earn it or be good enough. I just had to ask for it. He loves the Underdogs in this world. He has a special place for them in his heart. If you don't beleive me just read his word, the bible. If you want to know anything about him just ask me. He died a terrible death just for me. He's my ultimate hero.