Vancouver's Punk As Fuck! profile picture

Vancouver's Punk As Fuck!

About Me

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This page is devoted purely to all things PUNK happening in Vancouver. It will always have cool local music on the player and hopefully SOME information about what's going on around town. The idea is that anyone anywhere can visit the page and see what a fuckin' rad punk scene there is in Vancouver. Check out a whole shitload of amazing bands(past and present-but mostly present), list a good show coming up, put up some pictures you took at a show or whatever. If you're a local band, definately put up your upcoming shows. -YOU'RE the focus of this page. Be sure to always use the comments for what you want to say.(Don't make me work hard) As far as the top friends go, I usually put up new friends for a while and also put whoever is on the player in the top spot. It is impossible to be completely unbiased so I do tend to keep my personal favourites up a bit more and if ya don't like that, fuck off and move to Toronto! ****************The "VANCOUVER'S PUNK AS FUCK" cd is now available. 25 ass-kickin punk bands from in and around Van. Copies are available at Zulu Records(1972 West 4th Ave),Red Cat Records(4307 Main St.), Noize To Go Records(540 Seymour St.),P.D.'s Hot Shop(4th & Macdonald)and Anti-Social Skateshop (2425 Main st.) You can also order one from this page or get em at band gigs. BUY IT NOW!!!!****************VPAF VOL.2 RELEASE SHOW---Thursday May 21st at the Cobalt!!!!! BE THERE!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

DON'T WAIT FOR SHIT TO HAPPEN....MAKE SHIT HAPPEN! Punk, Hardcore, Thrash, Art punk, Skate Punk, Crossover, Straight it what you want. Just give us the goods!*******In no particular order....Ovary Action, The Hoovers, Jones Bones, Neo Nasties, Cobweb Society, The Excessives, In Stride, Aging Youth Gang, The Jolts, Motorama, China Creeps, SNFU, System Shit, Vapid, Streets, Likely Rads, Nu Sensae, The Gung-Hos, East Side Death Squad, Boxfiller, White Lung, Creeping Hand, Revenge, Nose Bleeder, Jaded Jinas, Strict District, NomeansNo, DOA, Loose Tooth, Set Foot,The Big Bad, Removal, Dirty and the Derelicts, Clear the Barn, Third Lit, Reo Bent, Dog Eat Dogma, The rebel Spell, Mudlark, Warbirds, Needles, Mr Plow, The Piss Ups, The Fiends, Cascabella, Bison, The Hycoprits, The Easy Brothers, Subhumans, Cheerleader Camp, Suspiria, Sidesixtyseven, Mongoose, Golers, Soldiers Of Misfortune, Cambridge, Bound By None, The Cheats, The Goodbye Horses, Savasana, Waste Of Race, Execution 66, Hot Karl, Raised By Apes, The Badamps, The Pogs, Alcoholic White Trash, Hong Kong Blonde, Denim Demons, Go It Alone, Deadsure, Regnier, The Fight United, Burning Down, Resist The Right, Pointed Sticks, Slingshot, Alternate Action, Impeders of Progress, The Knuckle Dusters, The Vicious Cycles, Picking On Toddlers, C.C. Voltage, The Sore Thoats, Childsplay, Subverse, Joey Only Outlaw Band, Isotopes Punk Rock Baseball Club, Invasives, R.O.C., Pisstank, Sorcerers, The Killed Spirits, Damages*******

My Blog

VPAF Vol. 2 released upon the world.......thanks to Vancouver punks.

WHOA! What a show.....of course I'm refering to the "Vancouver's Punk As Fuck! Vol.2" CD release show.  Now that my body has recovered from the, let's say "extreme celebration", I can fill everyone ...
Posted by on Wed, 27 May 2009 00:01:00 GMT

VPAF VOL 2 RELEASE SHOW!! Thursday May 21st at the Cobalt

Hey punks,  so we got a date for the VPAF Vol.2 Release Show --Thursday May 21st at the Cobalt.......The line up:BOXFILLERGOLERSCHINA CREEPSR.O.C.There's a lot going on here in Van that week so in add...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 11:21:00 GMT

VPAF Benefit:The best show I've seen in a long time......

Hey kids,   There's nothing quite like the stress you feel when you put a show together (or a comp) and you have no idea how it will turn out. You want the bands to have a good show, the house (the Co...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 10:03:00 GMT

VPAF Compilation headed to National Library of Canada!(?)

Apparently, Library and Archives of Canada (National Library of Canada) is requesting (more like demanding) that we send a copy of the compilation to them.  Is this common now? I've never heard of thi...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2009 22:37:00 GMT

VPAF Vol.2 * BENEFIT SHOW * Fri Feb 27 @ The Cobalt

Ok punks of all stripes, finally some news to share...................... The "Vancouver's Punk As Fuck! Vol.2" cd compilation is on a collision course with your braincells... The very unlikely,...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 23:32:00 GMT

VPAF Vol.2 - 28 bands!

No, I've havn't been just sitting on my ass doing fuck all.  There is now 28 confirmed bands.(!!!)  Anyway, here's who we got:China CreepsRaised By Apes  Impeders of Progress Bison b.c.GolersThe Sore ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 22:31:00 GMT

VPAF Vol 2.

Hey, so ya I'm thinkin' it's time to start up Vancouver's Punk As Fuck vol 2. (CD compilation)  As the first one seemed to work out well, we may as well do it the same way again.  Like Steve...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 22:37:00 GMT

The word is spreading........VPAF compilation on the charts!

hey punks, so here's a little update on the VPAF compilation cd. It appears that it's being played A LOT clear across the country. Here's what I've found so far.....As listed by Earshot charts:(the nu...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 21:22:00 GMT

Reviews of the VPAF Compilation

Check this out.... Vancouver's Punk As Fuck(Compilation)VPAFFor a year or so now, I've been feeling shitty because of a Seattle compilation called The Dirtier Inch Volume 2. You see, my problem was ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 13:04:00 GMT

How to get copies of the VPAF Compilation

If you want to buy a copy of the Vancouver’s Punk As Fuck compilation cd, it is available at Noize To Go Records (540 Seymour St.), Zulu Records (1942 West 4th Ave), Red Cat Records (4307 Main S...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 21:40:00 GMT