Myspace Comments
iMySpaceGraphics.comI love Tom Petty, he's No. 1, then Pearl jam, Neil Young Grateful Dead, and of course Elvis Presley, because if it weren't for him none of these other guys would be on my list!!!!!! concerts that I have been to are: Elvis, Tom Petty 8 times, got arrested once, but I don't want to discuss that! seen Aerosmith 2 times, Kiss, Roger Waters, Pink Floyd(David Gilmore) at three rivers in Pittsburgh,Blues travelers,Lenny kravits,Rusted root, Grateful Dead at Three Rivers a month before Garcia died, Hoodie and the Blowfish, Allman Brothers, Neil Young, Hank Williams JR, Def Leppard. June 10 will be going to see Tom Petty with Steve Wynwood At Post Gazette Pavillion in Pittsburgh, can't wait!!!a title="MySpace Music" href=_http__/www.myspace-music.html border="0" src=
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