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About Me

Two sides to me really! On the one side you have an over protective mam for both my daughter and my younger sis! Then you have my Rock loving vampy side... I find it a nice contrast. I love my friends so much!!! They have been there for me at the worst times and the good times without question or judgment. Most of the time I need music! I can get quite OCD over some bands, one band more than the rest is THE RASMUS! If it were not for them I simply wouldn't be here, their music keeps me falling off that cliff. I'm a simple creature really! Just wish other people were not so confusing lol! I do love to going out alot too, I mostly haunt the gay scene in Newcastle (even though the music there is not my cup of tea) but I do love the place, you can be who you want and nobody cares! So if you have seen me about say hi, I don't bite. I am quite shy really until I get to know people. Now Revalution at the academy is the place for me!... That place is the shit for music and there is nothing I love more that a good old neck breaking head bang!!! And although I am without question a lesbian I do have a visual weekness for girly looking pretty boys... *cof* Taylor Hanson and Lauri Ylonen! hehe! Basically don't try and put me in a box, you can't and I don't think I would fit!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Lauri Ylonen!!! Pink!!!..... And Anne Rice!!!

My Blog

Within Temtation gig... 30th Nov

What a fucking gig!......It was a pretty fun two days actually, starting with the drive up.Jill came about 2pm-ish to pick me up and we set off with printed off directions for glasgow in my sticky mit...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:49:00 GMT

If ya board fill me in

..> 1.Your Full Name:2. Age:3. Single or Taken:4. Favorite Movie:5. Favorite Song:6. Favorite Band:7. Kinky or Clean:8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:--------------------------------1. Do we know each ot...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 14:10:00 GMT