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V slovenskem prostoru popularne glasbe ne govorimo prav pogosto o avtorski glasbi kot o samostojnem žanru. Se pravi, da je prav posamiÄnost tista, ki glasbo najbolj opredeljuje. Tako kot lahko za nekoga ugotovimo od kod prihaja zgolj po nareÄju, ki ga govori, lahko nekatere glasbenike prepoznamo po njihovi glasbeni govorici, ki je v takÅ¡nem primeru praviloma težko opredeljiva v kontekstu obiÄajnih zvrsti popularne glasbe ali celo trenda. V naÅ¡em prostoru se za takÅ¡en avtorski izraz pogosto posega po besedi kantavtor, kar je svojevrsten kompliment in ima pridih tistih Äasov, ko je slovenska glasba doživljala vrhunce z deli Tomaža Pengova, Janija KovaÄiÄa, Marka Breclja in Å¡e koga, ki so takrat v naÅ¡a uÅ¡esa zlezli s komadi za katere bi danes težko verjeli, da bi se sploh uvrstili na radijski program. In tudi Roka Predina smo najveÄkrat oznaÄevali z besedo kantavtor. Rok Predin je v svojem glasbenem ustvarjanju priÅ¡el do tretjega albuma. Svoj prvenec »Prepozno doma(2006)« je posnel v duetu z Gregorjem Stermeckim. ZgoÅ¡Äenko je zaznamovalo liriÄno, morda celo minimalistiÄno vzduÅ¡je kitare in klaviatur. Seveda se že od zaÄetka v vlogi protagonista izpostavlja besedilo, kar podpisuje kantavtorsko naravo glasbenega prvenca. Album je izÅ¡el pod imenom Libido, kot svojevrsten homage Rokovi istoimenski najstniÅ¡ki rock skupini katere zanesenjaÅ¡tvo in elan je hotel prenesti v svoje nove glasbene dejavnosti. Pod istim imenom je posnel tudi svojo naslednjo zgoÅ¡Äenko »DrugiÄ enkrat(2007)«. O skladbah s tega albuma lahko na internetu preberemo, da “…so zveste specifiÄni trubadurski ali celo sanÅ¡onjerski tradiciji, ki je v naÅ¡em prostoru prisotna že desetletja... Lahko bi rekli, da gre za nekakÅ¡no reaktualizacijo doloÄenega tipa nekonformistiÄnega glasbenega avtorstva za katerega se je predvidevalo, da je minil z zatonom rokerskega zanesenjaÅ¡tva ... glasba samozavestno predpostavlja, da se dialekt nove glasbene generacije ne naslanja zgolj na izkuÅ¡njo uniformirane množine … skladbe so izrazito liriÄne in žanrsko težko opredeljive. Za studijske potrebe sta jih v celoti posnela Rok Predin (vokal, kitara) in Borut Praper (bobni, tolkala, klaviature, programiranje), za njihovo odrsko postavitev pa so zadolženi Å¡e Klemen Krajc (bas), Saso GaÄnik (klaviature) in Gasper PerÅ¡l (bobni). Svojo najnovejÅ¡o zgoÅ¡Äenko je izdal pod svojim imenom in jo poimenoval »Britev« in sicer po istoimenski skladbi, za katero pravi, da je reprezentativna za bluzovsko vzduÅ¡je celotnega albuma. Gre za enajst novih pesmi, ki so ugledale luÄ sveta po zanimivem nakljuÄju. Rok je namreÄ pred kakÅ¡nim letom sredi ÄekovniÅ¡kega gozda na podstreÅ¡ju hiÅ¡e naÅ¡el kitaro, ki se je ni nihÄe dotaknil Å¡tirideset let. Instrument je bil v takÅ¡nem stanju, da se nanj ni dalo zaigrati praktiÄno niÄesar, vsaj na ne na klasiÄen naÄin. Povsem drugaÄe pa se je kitara oglasila Äe si nanjo zaigral s steklenim naprstnikom, ki je znaÄilen za igranje bluesa. Po avtorjevih besedah ga je zvok, ki ga je priklical iz kitare slide, uroÄil, kar je povzroÄilo nastanek dvanajst novih pesmi v relativno kratkem Äasu. Seveda pa tudi najnovejÅ¡ih stvari ne moremo oznaÄiti s kategorijo klasiÄnega bluesa. Gre za ponotranjenje doloÄenih karakteristik te zvrsti, za izkoriÅ¡Äanje doloÄene prvinskosti ali celo mistiÄnosti, ki jo je ta zvrst poznala predvsem na svojih zaÄetkih. Lahko reÄemo, da nam Britev prinaÅ¡a nevsakdanjo glasbeno dogodivÅ¡Äino, ki dodaja novo Å¡irino raznovrstni glasbeni produkciji Roka Predina.
ROK PREDINIn the field of Slovenian popular music, original music is not often referred to as an individual genre. But individuality is the very element which defines music most thoroughly. Just as we know where people come from simply by the dialect they speak, we recognise some musicians from the language of their music, which is, in such a case, hard to define in the context of ordinary popular music genres or even trends. Locally, in such a case we often resort to the phrase "singer/songwriter", which is a kind of a compliment and reminds us of the times when Slovenian music climaxed with the works of Tomaž Pengov, Jani KovaÄiÄ, Marko Brecelj and others, who nestled in our ears with certain songs that today we would find nearly impossible to even qualify for airing on the radio. And Rok Predin had also often been described as a singer/songwriter. In his musical endeavours Rok Predin concluded his third album. His debut "Prepozno doma" (2006) was recorded as a duet with Gregor Stermecki. It was characterised by a lyrical, perhaps even minimalist atmosphere of guitars and keyboards. Of course, from the very beginning lyrics were cast in the leading role, and that is characteristic of Rok's musical debut. The first album was released under the name "Libido", as a kind of a homage to Rok's teenage rock group, which went by the same name and whose enthusiasm and force Rok wanted to preserve in his new musical activities. The next album, "DrugiÄ enkrat" (2007), was released under the same name. The Internet says the following about the tracks from this album: "The songs remain true to the specific troubadour or even chanson tradition, which has been present in Slovenia for decades... We could say it is a kind of a rebirth of a certain type of a non-conformist musical authorship, which seemed to have disappeared with the decline of rock enthusiasm... The music self-confidently presupposes that the dialect of the new musical generation does not simply build on the experience of the uniform masses..." The songs are extremely lyrical and hard to define in terms of genres. All the studio work was carried out by Rok Predin (vocals, guitar) and Borut Praper (drums, percussion, keyboards, programming), while the live line-up includes Klemen Krajc (bass), SaÅ¡o GaÄnik (keyboards) and GaÅ¡per PerÅ¡l (drums). Rok's newest album was released under his own name and entitled "Britev", after the track with the same name, for which Rok claims it represents the blues atmosphere of the whole album. The album contains eleven new songs, which saw the light of day after an interesting coincidence. Namely, about a year ago Rok found a guitar, untouched for forty years, in the attic of a house in the middle of a forest. The instrument was in such a bad shape that practically nothing could be played on it, at least not in a classical manner. But the guitar sounded completely different when played with a slide, characteristic of blues. According to the author, the sound, summoned from the guitar by a slide, enchanted him and resulted in the creation of a series of new songs in a relatively short time. Of course, these newest creations cannot be described as classic blues. The new album is about the internalisation of certain characteristics of this genre, exploitation of its primal nature and even mysticism, which blues, at least initially, knew. We can state that the new album by Rok Predin presents us with an unusual musical adventure, adding a new dimension to Rok's musical production.