♥GlitterFist♥ profile picture


Xxi WaNnA sTaB u In ThE hEaRt AnD HoLd Ur HaNd WhIlE U DiE xX

About Me

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alright lets see where to begin...im 19 and most of the time people tell me im a bitch...i guess i colud be until you get to know me..than id move the earth for you if you needed me too...im angy at alot of things and i always find somebody to state what i hate to...usually they agree so everybody is happy... i hate it when people say that "anything rocks there socks"...go fuck yourself with lame statements like that...i like people who are just like me and we can have a good time together...writing is a passion of mine but i dont share it very much...being in love is an awesome feeling but to bad it always ends up sucking...life is like a constant search for your own "sebastian bach"...haha...only one person will get that but thats a funny joke so fuck off...anyways...some of my favorite things in this world are...my kitty **bLaCkIe**...music...my awesome little sister *eDeN*...my best friend *cOnVeRsEaSaUrUs*...and any turtle that is blue and named *bErT*...going to shows is badass and i would go everyday to one if i could...UnderOATH is my favorite band right now except i dont have their cd becuase im to lame to go buy it...someday...i always live for tomorrow and if you dont than why do you live...i think everything is always going to get better because to much sad shit happens to dwell on it...i love my *tInKeRbElL* and someday i hope to be her best friend... even though that relationship is way to difficult sometimes i wouldnt ever want it to end...i dont understand alot of things that happen but i dont pretend that i do either...i like driving fast in cars...i dont drive but i love going along for the ride...but to contridict myself im terrified of crashing...my biggest fears in life are flying giant bugs...oh no!!...my (best friend that i wouldnt trade for all the money in the world) kitty dying...not having enough tattoos and dying alone and unhappy...wow what the fuck else to write hehe...im running out of things about myself...i dont have much else to say so if you want to get to know me better and be my best friend than leave me a message or send a friend request and lets get fucked up together haha........
Name: xX dEbIe Xx
Birthday: aPrIl 28
Birthplace: lAs VeGaS
Current Location: WiNtEr PaRk
Eye Color: bLuE
Hair Color: bLaCk, BlOnDe, AnD rUsT
Height: 5'6"
Right Handed or Left Handed: rIgHt...WhY dOeS tHiS mAtTeR
Your Heritage: iRiSh
The Shoes You Wore Today: bLaCk AnD WhItE sLiP oNs
Your Weakness: dRuGs...AnD SeX
Your Fears: dYiNg AlOnE
Your Perfect Pizza: mUsHrOoMs AnD aRtIcHoKe hEaRtS
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: bEtTeR jOb
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: cUnT!!
Thoughts First Waking Up: wHaT hApPeNeD lAsT nIgHt....KiDdInG
Your Best Physical Feature: mY eYeS....oR bOoBs
Your Bedtime: UsUaLlY mOrNiNg TiMe
Your Most Missed Memory: bErT......
Pepsi or Coke: cOkE...tHe SoDa AnD ThE pOwDeR...
MacDonalds or Burger King: bUcKeT oF yUcK...
Single or Group Dates: sInGlE
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nEiThEr
Chocolate or Vanilla: vAnIlLa...
Cappuccino or Coffee: cOfFeE
Do you Smoke: yEs
Do you Swear: FuCk No
Do you Sing: nOpE
Do you Shower Daily: yEp
Have you Been in Love: sTiLl Am
Do you want to go to College: yEs
Do you want to get Married: pErhApS
Do you belive in yourself: wHy nOt
Do you get Motion Sickness: dEpEnDs On ThE mOtIoNs
Do you think you are Attractive: yEs..oThErS tHiNk So MoRe
Are you a Health Freak: uM...nO
Do you get along with your Parents: nOpE...iM a ReBeL
Do you like Thunderstorms: lOvE eM!!
Do you play an Instrument: i UsEd To PlAy ThE fLuTe
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: dRiNk...Im DrUnK rIgHt nOw
In the past month have you Smoked: iM fAiRlY sUrE i HaVe
In the past month have you been on Drugs: oHhH yEsSs
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yEp!
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: uH hUh
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: iVe NeVeR dOnE tHaT
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nOpE
In the past month have you been on Stage: nOpE
In the past month have you been Dumped: nAh
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nO
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: pRoBaBlY
Ever been Drunk: wE aLrEaDy CoVeReD tHiS
Ever been called a Tease: yEp
Ever been Beaten up: hAhA nO
Ever Shoplifted: yEs gOd DaMmIt
How do you want to Die: bY a KnIfE sTaBbEd InTo My HeArT bY tHe OnE i LOVe
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: aLiVe
What country would you most like to Visit: aMsTeRdAm
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: iM iN lOvE wItH a BoY wItH tHe MoSt bEaUtIfUl BrOwN eYeS
Favourite Hair Color: oRaNgY rEd...mMmM aARoN gIlLeSpIe
Short or Long Hair: mIdDlE
Height: a FeW iNcHeS tAlLeR
Weight: sKiNnY
Best Clothing Style: wHo ThE fUcK cArEs
Number of Drugs I have taken: tOo MaNy To CoUnT
Number of CDs I own: nOt To MaNy I hAvE aM iPoD
Number of Piercings: 9
Number of Tattoos: 6
Number of things in my Past I Regret: iD dO iT aLl ThE sAmE

My Interests

i dont really know what to put here...i like getting fucked up...being a bitch... having drunken dirty talk haha..i like listening to hardcore and metal music...if you dont than shut the fuck up...i smoke cigarettes for fun even though i think its a disguisting habit...im pretty lame so there isnt much to say...wait did i just call myself lame...i mean i fucking rock and if that isnt good enough for you than i i have some advice for you...move the fuck on...haha...

I'd like to meet:

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

**okie the person that i really want to meet is the love of my fucking whole life *tinkerbell* and if i dont im goin to burst...shes my girlfriend and i
your asshole.

What swear word are you?
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What is your sexual style?
created with QuizFarm.com
.. You scored as Romantic Kisser. Good for you! You know how to kiss and hopefully you have a certain someone to experience a serge of happiness with. If not, it doesnt hurt to flirt kiss a little hehe. Just dont get carried away. Romantic kissing is always a plus! Kissing is an art keep it up and youll be really good! Here some tips: 1. Be ready 2. no smoking 3. start slow 4. up the intensity 5. develop rhythm 6. change it up 7. pay attention to hands 8. experiment 9. respond 10. repeat

Romantic Kisser


Yippy Ki Yay!


Your more of a class act than youre giving yourself credit for

How good do you kiss?
created with QuizFarm.com

My Comment Box
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underOATH, Atreyu, As i lay dying, thrice, bury your dead, darkest hour, zao, unearth, norma jean, my chemical romance, the used, horse the band, chevelle, taking back sunday, the killers, billy talent, hawthorne heights, from autumn to ashes, hot hot heat, ying yang twins, all american rejects, june, silverstein, velvet revolver, poison the well, scorpions, afi, evergreen terrace, on broken wings, avenged sevenfold, saosin, trivium, guns n roses, and any other fucking band that rocks...

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!


been kissed.. uh huh
lied to a friend.. sadly yes
dyed ur hair all the time
dressed punk sorta
kissed a girl yep
saw something u didnt want to who hasnt
danced in the rain no
lied to ur parents fuck yeah
went barefoot in the snow no
played hockey no
made ur own clothes yep
got in a fite nope
took a shower yep
gave a dirty look to someone yeah
cried=( amazingly no
did a cartwheel havent done that in years
went to school no
shopped no
danced no
got sick no
did something u regret yes
discovered something new yep
run to class because ur always late fuck school
act perfect nope
act hyper nope
are a nerd nope
in band?? nope
in ur pjs i sure am
drinkin no
listening to music yes...go trivium woo
watching a movie no
iming someone yep
talkin on the fone no
eating no
hot topic or abercrombie and fitch neither
thongs or briefs thongs
boxers anyone?!?! no
sweatpants or jeans jeans
longsleeved shirts or short sleeve short
tube tops or tanks tanks
current clothes not on...muahah
current mood happy i suppose
current music atreyu and trivium
current taste o.0...what the fuck
current make-up i have some on?
current thing I ought to be doing showering
you hugged **puke** josh
yelled at haha josh again
IMed. tommy
you touched sexually?? myself bitches
[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
coffee or hot chocolate i like iced coffee
big or little big...hehe...
lace or satin satin
new or old old
vogue or cosmopolitan cosmo
skirt or dress skirt
wool or cotton cotton
[DO YOU..]
put on a "front" nope
have a crush on someone of course i do
if u got a tatoo where wud u get it i alredy have tattoos but my next on is going to be on my back
waht is the online symbol u use the most symbol...what the fuck...ok the period
u have a boyfriend or girlfiend i gots a girlfriend
who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray chad
what was the last thing you said to who...
who would u want to be stuck in an elevator with bert
do you like stickers yes
do u play with mad libs wen ur bored no
are you suicidal no
is your window open no
what was the last pair of shoes you bought flip flops
do you have a little brother yep
does he draw you cute pictures no...hes not that little
where do your grandparents live they travel all over the place
what do you think of when you hear the word click dick
are you a moron maybe...
do you like trampolines sorta
have u ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum all the time
did you see American Pie 2 yeah
do you cut yourself not purposfully

My Blog

you think you got him in the bag hunny

haha...ever knew that somebody totally had their head shoved so far in their ass but you couldnt do anything about itt?? i know somebody just like that...hunny i know you think the game your playing i...
Posted by bLaCk RoSe Of DeSpAiR on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 12:55:00 PST

b/f application

b/f application Current mood: excited boyfriend applicationFill this out (guys only)BASICS: Name: Age: Location: Height:Hair (color and style): Eyes: Piercings/tattoos:OTHER: 1. Where would we go ...
Posted by bLaCk RoSe Of DeSpAiR on Fri, 19 Aug 2005 05:47:00 PST

**new friends**

so i think today i have to laugh becuase somebody that i used to hate is now a friend...i never thought id see whitney as a regular nice person but a lot can change when the bastards are to the way si...
Posted by bLaCk RoSe Of DeSpAiR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST