Pool, movies, books, cooking, singing, friends, friends, lovers, friends having a blast wherever i go
People who can reconize the wonderfulness that is me! Boys who want a friend! And all my gays.
PLEASE NO JAZZ! anything else i like if i like it.
PLEASE NO HORROR! STUPID WOMEN RUNNING INTO THE BATHROOM FOR SAFTY! And no Will Ferrel! other than that i'm a movie hound can't get enough. One time a watched a movie 4 times in one day! (dogma)
Gotta give strong props to King of the hill. I love inuyasha and full metal alchemist, love rosewell presently i'm a alias gurl. Never watch the news and love PBS animal planet rocks, IRON CHIEF orininal and i'm a treki
sci-fi and fanticy every now and then
All the everyday people who overcome hardship and dispare. Women who are single parents. Normal people who belive in somthing and fight for it. The not so common people who have lasting loving marriges. And any one who wanted to better themselves.