I'm a yOuNg gIRl, wItH a sTrOnG mEnTaLiTy. LiViNg lIFe LiKe it's BlAcK/wHiTe, Ain't with the bullshit. Getting educated at CaMbRiDgE cOnTiUaTiOn School. MaY 17 BaBeH iS WeN I BlOw mY CaNdLeS. Taken'5.30.08♥. , and i love to have fun. Family first, before anything. $$$$$. Friends. Texting. Clothes. YeLlOw,OrAnGe aNd tOrQuIeS. Partys. Meeting new people.hAtE FaKe sTuCk uP BeOtCh's and ShIIt talk brings me entertainment. Don't mess with my GiRlS, won't mess with your bitches. hAhA
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