happy is worth more now.
my grandmother asked me,
“why do you never smile like you used to?â€
this put me in a panic.
I didn’t know why.
I didn’t care.
I wanted my old smile back.
the smile of youth.
the smile of being untouched.
was i unhappy?
So I tried this
And I tired that…
But nothing worked.
now as I look at this problem,
It is not viewed as a problem.
see maybe I have been hurt now.
maybe I have cried,
had my heart ripped to pieces,
but in addition to this I have cared,
loved and had faith.
so now when I smile…
it may take more,
but that work for it,
makes happy worth more now.
by: anonymous
she has been my best friend for a more then a decade now. my constant shoulder to cry on. my persistant courage booster. my consistant heart gluer and my own personal comedian. i love her and not only want so badly but need her in my life.
she has been my sister. the one were we punch...pinch... basically kill each other and know it is all about the love baby. we came together a lot later in the game but are much closer then life long friends. she makes my days so very much brighter and mends my heart in ways no one else can. i love her more than i love noodle salad.
she is my true at birth sister. also my friend. and it amazes me everyday how close we are when you consider we are actually related. out of everyone she is the one that has seriously been there through it all and not only because she has to but because she chose to be. she inspires new strengths in me all the time, forces new open thoughts in my head till i want to explode and makes me wonder why i am so lucky to have such an amazing life companion. i love you keelyAnn.
dion and maria:
these two are the reason i can breath on a daily basis. they bring me back to sanity. they bring me back to myself. lol. they are stong and beautiful. we have gone through this crazy thing called high school together and i wouldn't have asked for any better two to do it with :] i love these girls.
the boy has come into my life recently and already made this mind blowing difference. at times i have questioned whether it was a good one or not... haha. he brings me back to a thing called having fun. my nights would be cold without him. i love him.