My name is Andrew and I am a Lamborghini owner in Michigan who is working to get the club more exposure on the internet.. so this is going to be a work in process for some time, but we wanted to get the club on myspace so that we could communicate with more Lamborghini owners!
The Lamborghini Club America Magazine includes a comprehensive review of what is happening in the Lamborghini world, including tech tips, current events at the factory, Lamborghini history, as well as information about the various meets held by our members throughout the U.S. Technical information and automotive magazine reports on new Lamborghini products are also included. The Classified Advertising section is free to members. These publications are among the finest of all the exotic automobile club magazines.
This is a club of Lamborghini owners, but anyone can join the club's mailing list for the magazine and newsletters! Click here to join the mailing list
Message me for information on subscribing to the magazine/newsletter mailing list.
Click here for a subscription form: (link will be up soon)
Lamborghini Owners and hardcore enthusiasts can join the LCA for $90.
Click here for the membership form