We the human beings are part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourself, our thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of our consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be. "
Here is another cartoon I did some character design for..."
JUSTICE LEAGUE: The New Frontier - Official Trailer (updated)
Batman Beyond was one of the shows I enjoyed working for the most, here is the intro that I also contributed to:
Batman beyond Intro
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My beautiful wife & I.
They say "Home is where the heart is at" That's why I hardly miss Buenos Aires, no matter where I go it will always be in my heart!
Well I guess this video below by Nassim Haramein takes care of the NIBIRU/ PLANET-X subject. So 2012 will be something else. I'm still trying to figure it out. I heard Zecharia Sitchin himself at the Conscious Life Expo 09' say Nibiru will not fly by in 2012. Other people believes in the apocalyptic end of the world, or a possible polar shift. All fear related hypothesis, maybe it's in some people's interest to create a fear based theory that will benefit a minority. Some others have a more positive opinion and believe in ascension into fourth density, the golden age of harmony, love and light. Perhaps the near alignment with the galactic plane it's going to radiate such an intense cosmic energy that will raise our vibrational frequency, helping us move into the fourth dimension. Since I awoke spiritually, I choose to believe in ascension, peace and love. Even if a holocaust happens, I'm not worry one bit, after all we are eternal spiritual beings of divine origin. Life and consciousness will go on into a higher astral plane.
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