The Black Dahlia profile picture

The Black Dahlia

I don't think outside the A7X box

About Me

I do band promoting and marketing.I'm also trying to get into booking bands at places.Because music is my if your in a band and are having shows near me.let me know and i'll promote it for you.Or if you know some great places to play in any state please send me the booking info.
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My Interests

Music. I love going to concerts if i had any talent I would be in a band.But sense I don't I just promote other bands.30 sec to mars music vid

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I'd like to meet:

I've pretty much met everyone.I've met Hidden in plain view,MxPX,Taking back sunday,letter kills.story of the year,motion city soundtrack,trice,tranplants,fall out boy,avenged sevenfold but i want to met them again,sum 41,eighteen visons tons of times,lynam,hinder,and lots of others.Take the quiz:
Who Are You In Avenged Sevenfold?

Zacky Vengeance
YOU ARE ZACKY VENGEANCE! You play guitar like no stay to the side kinda to yourself but your skills are powerful ad with your purple hair everyone notices you.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


I love all rock music especially punk rock. Plus I like some rap. My favoit bands aresex pistolsGod smacknine inch nailssum 41Avenged Sevenfoldhidden in plain viewckyhimsmashing pumpkinspapa roachramonesguns and rosesslaughtergood charlottenew found gloryjohnny cashwaylon jenningsyellowcardmxpxsublimeproject pat3 six mafiajay-zkornmestsimple planAFIICPPantreraBullets and octanenirvanathe eaglesnorma jeansliversteinEighteen Visionshinderbilly talentlynamand tons more



Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... warm
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... unique

Quiz created with MemeGen !


I love to read but books about vampiers books are my fav.
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Add Bullets and Octane
See Bullets and Octane on tour
5/04/06 - Columbus, OH: The Basement
5/05/06 - Covington, KY: Mad Hatter
5/06/06 - St. Louis, MO: Pointfest
5/08/06 - Austin, TX: Emo's
5/09/06 - Corpus Christi, TX: House of Rock
5/11/06 - Albuquerque, NM: Launchpad
5/16/06 - San Diego, CA: Canes Tickets
5/17/06 - Scottsdale, AZ: Martini Ranch Tickets
5/19/06 - Dallas, TX: Gypsy Tea Room Tickets
5/20/06 - Houston, TX: Red Room at Meridian Tickets
5/22/06 - Atlanta, GA: Roxy Tickets
5/24/06 - Washington, DC: 9:30 Club Tickets
5/25/06 - New York, NY @ Avalon
5/26/06 - Boston, MA: Paradise Rock Club Tickets
5/27/06 - Philadelphia, PA: Theatre of the Living Arts Tickets
5/28/06 - Atlantic City, NJ: The Borgata Music Box
5/30/06 - Detroit, MI: Magic Stick Tickets
5/31/06 - Chicago, IL: Double Door Tickets
6/01/06 - Minneapolis, MN: Fine Line Cafe
6/03/06 - Denver, CO: Bluebird Theatre Tickets
6/04/06 - Salt Lake City, UT: Urban Lounge Tickets
6/06/06 - San Francisco, CA: The Independent Tickets


A poem Chris from vampire freaks made for meA-amanda gets crunk with her crew M-marvelous A-always fun to talk to N-never boring D-deadly [haha] A-answers when you speak

Get Your Sexy Name

My Blog

I’m doing promo work again

I’m starting to do promo work again.So bands hit me up to help you.I’m starting a new thing where each week I’ll put a new band in my top and their song my page and probably write a ...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:43:00 PST

Hawthorne heights ,So many deaths latly it sucks

..> Casey Today is probably the worst day ever.  It's with our deepest regrets that we have to write this.  Casey Calvert passed away in his sleep last night.  We found out this a...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 07:31:00 PST


Dillion was a great guy I always had tons of fun hanging out at work with him.It's really sad he dies at such a young ageand he will really be missed.Fatal Two Vehicle Crash 11/11/2007 7:49:32 PM...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 07:33:00 PST

The time of my life and the death that followed

So last week started off bad.My saving grace was that I was going to see Avenged Sevenfold on Saturday.So after tons of darma with my so-called boyfriend and other people.I went and got my girls on Fr...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 07:47:00 PST


That day can't come soon enough.It will be one of the happest days of my life.Especially because it means they will be going on tour.I can't wait to see A7X again with my girls and my bro.Anyways lots...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:53:00 PST

Warped tour 07

Warped tour 07 was great one of the best days of my life.First of all I got to go with all my friends.Then Thor was there and he took a pic with us and kissed me on the cheek.There is a whole blog abo...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 11:34:00 PST

The first ever Joe and Amanda meet and greet

So the first ever Joe and Amanda meet and greet went pretty well.Even at first it was raining and we were late for our own meet and greet.Plus there was 3 different places that had monkey's.Other than...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 08:58:00 PST

The people who mean the most to me

So this is about the people that mean the most to me.and the order of these doesn't mean I like anyone more or less. Kenny, is my little brother but is my best friends.I love going to concerts wi...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 05:40:00 PST

I hate breaks ups

So i guess Eighteen visions is breaking up.I'm pretty heart-broken.First Mest then Hidden in plain view and now them.They are an amzaing band.I enjoyed seeing them and talking to them.Thei cd is alway...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:02:00 PST

sorry for being a dumb girl and Bled the dream

Ok so maybe I'm not mad at FOB anymore.I even kinda got use to the new song.But I still dont like the video.And I never wanted hate mail sent to them.I just didnt like it and posted a blog about it.Be...
Posted by The Black Dahlia on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:54:00 PST