I'm just here to make the world a better place.I'm an upfull man and I like upfull people so if you're into art, culture, consciousness and ink,then show me some love.I'm a Tattoo artist and I'm here to showcase my work,network and connect with like minded people.While you're here ,you can click on the voodoo chilli link to your left to see some of my paintings. So drop me a line .I appreciate all the love, thank you for coming through.
Click on the link above to veiw my art work,I do portraits,banners and prints.
From King Menelik down to His Imperial Majestly Haile Selassie the 1st,Marcus Garvey,Malcom X,martin Luther King jr these great men have made it possible for every and anybody of African decent to become more progressive ,enlightened and realise their rightful place as a citizen of the world.