The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. profile picture

The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B.

Live with music, Die without it

About Me

My name is Chris Bonine, Music is everything and I would do what ever I can for good music. As long as its rock I will almost always like it. I'm really into the unsigned/indie bands. I love wolves, like playin games be it video, computer, or some board. I thank Kurt Cobain was a musical god. I also like pro wrestling as in TNA, wwe is crap anymore not that it was ever great anyway. You can look at facebook page here -- --

My Interests

Music ,wolves, art, poetry, ghost, Kurt Cobain, and pro wrestling

I'd like to meet:

music freaks, peeps that like wrestling, and any "cool" person. -- Jerry Cantrell-"My Song" -- Temple of the Dog(Eddie Vedder & Chris Cornell)-"Hunger Strike" -- RED LINE CHEMISTRY
.. -- GreenDay(John Lennon cover)-"Working Class Hero"


-- -- -- -- -- 90's rock, alt-rock, grunge, Nirvana, GreenDay, Tailgunner(rip), The sound and the fury(rip), Red Line Chemistry, upside(rip), Corners of Bellevue(rip?), Paperface(rip), Fair to Midland, The Lonely(rip), Pretty Empire, Shape Shift Revolution(rip), Pearl Jam, System of a Down, red hot chilli pepers, Bush(the band), All American Rejects, Alice In Chains, HIM, NIN, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Bloodhound Gang, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Foo Fighters, Avenged Seven Fold, Stone Sour, Alkaline Trio, Trust Company, Godsmack, Disturbed, Blink 182, Guns'n Roses, My Chemical Romance, The Used, The Offspring, Hurt, flyleaf, Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Weezer, Schemata, Aviator, Always John, In Your Honor, Kalatia(rip), hearken, Nick Black, Revolution Red, and a shit load more --


The Invisable, About A Son, Chapter 27, Cuel Intentions, V for Vendetta, Girl Next Door, Number 23, Puinisher, Fight Club, The Crow, A Clockwork Orange, Underworld 1&2, Wolf's Rain, Jackass 1&2, Saw 1-3, Accepted, The Covenant, The Boondock Saints, Four Brothers, The Illuionist, The grudge 1&2, a whole lot more


TNA(the best wrestling there is), Metalocalypse, Frisky Dingo, Supernatural, Reaper, Ghost Hunters, G4TV, The Riches, DEXTER, Californication


Kurt Cobain Journals


Kurt Cobain V from V For Vendetta (you all know he kicks ass) The Crow/brandon lee

My Blog

random fucked up-ness

just random crazy shit I wrote down from like 2003 to now...might b woth a laugh   why are dogs MANS best friend don't girls need friends too if you can't have weapons at school then wh can you h...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:06:00 PST

lossin my mind

been fuckin jobless for a year worked at fuck(wal)-mart for over a fucked there. worked at grandview for a week and it and it was just i would end of killin myself if i did that all m...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:56:00 PST


I have noticed the government is unconstitutional...well maybe not the government but what it allows is the FCC sure the fuck is just thank about freedom of speech and of choice and then thank about h...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 08:27:00 PST

America the Hypocritical

America is ran by hypocrites, yet alone its self hypocritical. It says land of the free, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to bare arms. But they won't let gay's get married if you...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 06:59:00 PST

Mentally Blind

So much on my mind, I am mentally blind, Stressed, And depressed, Alone, What the hell is it I have already known, I can't remember what it is to be truly happy, I want to again one day, All you ever ...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 04:39:00 PST

super heros rant

Ok first off superman isn't a man he from a diff planet so he's a super alien wait no he just an alien didn't everyone from that planet have the same powers as him.Now number two spiderman he is a mut...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 03:27:00 PST

10 reasons why parsons wal-mat sucks

1. zack the lasy fat ass co manager 2. sherri the manager that is almost never there 3. shit pay and slave drivers all they are missin is whips 4. the video game choice sucks ass 5. the fuckin music t...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 06:45:00 PST

A beer for a tear

The one that drinks his pain away,Only to remember it the next day,Crys without ever sheding a tear,Happends every year,Says one more beer,Instead of a tear,Wants to start over,And be sober,Sober beco...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:08:00 PST

Armageddon & Chaos

Lightning strikes it's hell on earth with burning stone, Everyone is alone,The lights go out,It's chaos and everyone is running about,A little girl gets rapped and dies,No one was there to hear her cr...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 08:17:00 PST


Why must I die, Never to know why, A single tear, I have not shead in more then a year, My halo becoming a noose, Never getting any less loose, Was never able to say good-bye, And yet I never cry, So...
Posted by The Angel With no Wingspan Chris B. on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 10:01:00 PST