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Fabio Bordone

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About Me

Fabio Bordone, born in San Vito al Tagliamento, on 14th January 1979, lives and works in Codroipo, Udine.  He graduated with the title of “Master of Arts” in Goldsmith's Art and Forgery Section at the "G. Sello" State Institute of Udine. At the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice (Accademia di Belle Arti, in 2002) he refined his image technique, abandoning his interest for fashion and dedicating himself completely to portraying and incorporating image in movement, thus creating also narrative skills.
In 2006 he got his Degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Painting, specializing in Photography, Mass Media study and technique and Cinematography with the highest of grades.
In his research the static image balance is sectioned and rebuilt inside a distorted reality, especially in the videos where a strong narrative component is always present and set. He tries to be in contact with the more sensitive aspect of people trying to change the conservative and traditional point of view to a different and possible prospective.
After taking part in some related events like "HICETNUNC" a review of contemporary arts of Triveneto, 51° Biennale Internazionale d'Arte of Venice and “Q2Q. Queer too Queer” promoted by the Observatory Lgbt of the Venice's Municipality, he received acknowledgement from the City of Milan, with Milano Moda and TAU Visual (Professional Photographer National Association) for being one of the 50 best fashion photographers on National Ground. Awards Mention of Honour for Photography Projects excellence, Photography Award 2008.
Mention of Honour - Creative Research, Photography Award 2008.
(The Creative Quality award in Professional Photography is invented and supported by the Professional Photographer National Association TAU Visual. The award born to support and spread the professional care in the field of Image communication, and underline the absolute central role of the Photographic Image in all the Communicational branches.)
Mention of  Honour - Author of Particular Note, "Look-Book" Contest, 2008.
(Event organized by the Municipality of Milan [with the contribution of the Assessorship of the productive activities with delegacy to Fashion, and Assessorship to Sport and Free Time], the Professional Photographer National Association TAU Visual, with the advice of Gisella Boriolo MAT (Milano Other Talents), and partnership of different magazines like Velvet, XL of Repubblica, and D - La Repubblica Delle Donne.)
http://www.look-book.tv/premiati.htm Collective and Personal Expositions
    . 2008
    "Dieci Minuti Film Festival"
    Video Art
    Ceccano (Frosinone, Italy) . 2007
    "Contemporaneamente" - dall’arte della spettacolarizzazione alla spettacolarizzazione dell’arte”
    Video Art
    30 expositors from the whole of Italy and 2 artists directly from New York and Vienna.
    This event organized by the Karen Eliot Cultural Association is aimed at developing contemporary art and enlarging the inner artistic-expressive horizon. . 2007
    Video - Projection
    Public video-art review, hosted in the famous Galleria Oldrado da Ponte di Lodi (MI)
    Administrator: Marco Lamanna and Ambrogio Ferrari
    Artists Coordination: Nadia Perrotta
    Collaborator: Silvia Levanti, Rebecca Delmenico . 2007
    Gastronomical Art
    Visual Art
    Personal Photographic exposition
    Administrator: William Vigorito . 2007
    Photographic installation;
    3D Gallery
    Administrators: Laura Aliprandi, Daniela Santellani, Sara Sist . 2007
    "S-Family Day - Contro Ogni Fascismo - Ogni razzismo - Omofobia Proud to be Different!"
    Video Projection
    Artistic Directors: OrmaX & Ph_Paris . 2007
    "Q2Q Queer too Queer"
    Photos and Video Installation
    A+A Gallery in Venice - Slovenian Public Expositive Centre for Contemporary Art.
    Organized by the Lgbt Observatory of the Venice Municipality and the Assessorship of Juvenile Politics, with the gallery A+A and the "Patagonia Art" Association.
    Administrators: Elena Piaggi, Fabio Bozzato . 2006
    "In Hoc Signo - Il tesoro delle croci"
    Administrators: Guido Cecere, Paolo Goi, Giancarlo Pauletto.
    Patrones: Office of Instruction, University and Scientific Research, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Regione del Veneto, Patriarcato di Venezia, Alto Patronato, Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Pontificia Commissione per i Beni Culturali Della Chiesa. . 2005
    "Poles Apart/Poles Together" - 51° Biennale Internazionale d'Arte of Venice
    Photographic Installation
    Chosen by the International Artists' Museum of Tel Aviv and by the White Box Gallery of New York "Poles Apart/Poles Together", urban installation in the historical centre of Venice, lateral event of the 51° Biennale Internazionale d'Arte of Venice.
    Administrators: Doron Polak and Juan Puntes
    Co-Administrators: Esti Drori, Ayelet Danielle Aldouby, Raul Zamudio
    Assistant and Administrator: Ruth Perez-Chaves
    Production: Artura/Projective Israel
    Project of: The International Artists' Museum and White Box, with the support of the Assessorship to the juvenile politics and peace of the Venice Municipality. . 2001
    Collective inside the Contemporary Art Event "HICETNUNC" in the expositional centre of Contemporary Art of Villa Manin, Passeriano (Udine)
    Administrator: Guido Cecere

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Ciao!Ho bisogno del tuo sostegno!Se vuoi e se ti piace il mio lavoro vota le mie foto nel concorso di Emporio Armani Parfums.Le puoi trovare a questo link: http://www.emporioarmaniparfums.com/contest/...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 03:00:00 GMT

BABELGUM on-line film festival

Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:00:00 GMT