Top Thrill Dragster profile picture

Top Thrill Dragster

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About Me

Hello. I am top Thrill Dragster. I am located at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio. I opened on May/4th/2003. I was built by Intamin AG. I am a hydralic launch Coaster. My designer is Ingenieur Büro Stengel GmbH. I cost $25,000,000. My capacity is 1500 riders per hour. I am 2800' feet long. I launch riders from 0 to 120MPH in 3.5 seconds. I am 420' feet. My drop is 400' feet. My Max Vertical Angle is 90 Degrees. My Max Acceleration is 0 .. Outside, and a 270° Vertical Spiral. I have 6 trains with 5 cars per train. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders per train. Trains: The front car only seats two riders so there are 18 riders per train, not 20. When the I first opened, the rear cars only had two seats because the last row was occupied by a theme engine, tires and fin. These were later removed and my rear car now holds four passengers. My best friend is Millennium Force. Millennium Force is 3 years older than me, and he broke the 300 foot mark. While I broke the 400. Millennium Force and I are the tallest and fasest rides in the park. As for me, I am the 2nd tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world. Kingda Ka beat me by 8MPH and 36 Feet. Congrats to Kingda Ka.
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Me and My best friend...Millennium Force...My tower...Finish...Best white Kuckles on earth!At Night.....Please Take my Top Thrill Quiz! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!

My Interests

People Ridding me.....

I'd like to meet:

People who love Cedar Point and who wants to get sent up a 420ft tower going up at 120mph!
Top Thrill Dragster

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Baby I'm Ready To Go. ( My station Music )


Cedar Point and Millennium Force