The Boatmen profile picture

The Boatmen

About Me

We,The Boatmen, were originally formed by Steve Dennis and Darren Mitchell with the goal of writing some country rock songs. After half an hour of writting, the country aspect had gone out of the window and guitar bassed rock became our natural flavour of the day. Song followed song and it quickly became apparent that we were producing enough for an album, so that then became the goal. Next we were offered a gig at the Hastings Beer Festival, so finding the right musicians to form the line up became our focus. This was achived by enlisting the drum skills of Phil Flack (The Tabs) along with Dead Calms guitarist and frontman Alan McCleave and ex Vicious Minds bassist and guitarist Vince Evans and Shaun Cramp. With that goal achived another was needed and that came when tv show producer Paul asked us to write a sound track for a truck racing series on Sky Motorsport. "AINT NO MISTAKE" was the resulting song and it proved to be a favourite on Hastings Rock Radio, being placed on their A playlist for the broadcast duration. Meanwhile the album is nearing completion and will hopefully be launched at our debute gig at the Hastings Beer festival where it will be on sale along with oher Boatmen merchandise.
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Member Since: 13/04/2007
Band Members: Vocalist- Steve Dennis, Guitarist -Darren Mitchell, Bassist-Vince Evans, Drums -Phil Flack, 2nd Guitar - Shaun Cramp, 3rd Guitar -Alan Mcleave.
Record Label: Boathouse Records
Type of Label: Indie

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