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Principia Audiomatica

About Me

Miljenko Rajakovic aka Dj Mary (co-founder of Implant Code project on MINUS HABENS RECORDS & techno DJ in various European clubs) and Sinisa Ocurscak (founder of the TeHOM project on Ner/World Serpent, professor of philosophy at Jezuit University for Philosophy in Zagreb, editor of the book 'The mind-body problem in contemporary philosophy') were active minds behind the PRINCIPIA AUDIOMATICA project.
Sinisa died of cancer before 10 years ('97) and Mary re-activate Principia Audiomatica project this year 2007. He start working on a new materials for incoming album release!
'Systematic Sonority', released 1995, is their debut album based on eight different notions of the environMENTAL systems. This work shows an impressive vision on the theme, that lead to a complete development of the brilliant 'Biodigit' mCD of Implant Code, creating cold and lost electronic ambient structures, sometime fused with mind-absorbing rhythms. This album is a really effective and impressive experience! PRINCIPIA AUDIOMATICA, just acclaimed as the new Clock DVA, create a new perspective for a tour inside the inner darkness through technology. The amazing texts inside the booklet will be a perfect guide for the learning of this concept. - "Minus Habens Records"

Sharing much in common with ClockDVA, Principia Audiomatica have composed an album that might as well be a sister project to any of Adi Newton's material. Albeit a little more downbeat and mellow, many of the classic DVA elements are used throughout this album. It starts with something as trivial as the liner notes, which explain in complex detail the scientific research referenced in composing each track. It then continues with the usage of bizarrely familiar movie samples from fifties cult science fiction films and documentaries and ends with a level of cloaked mysticism that surrounds the entire volume of music. One item that is conspicuously absent is the lack of vocal work of any kind which is just enough to keep the album from sounding like a rehash of someone elses work. However, regardless of the apparent similarities, Principia Audiomatica fills musical niche that has been void of any new material ever since Adi Newton disappeared from the music scene with the release of the last Anti-Group album. So if you are looking for your ClockDVA fix, this is as good of a place as any to acquire it if you cannot wait any longer for new material, as well as an excellent musical transition towards subtlely similar, yet rudimentarily different compositional styles. - "Red Stream Inc"
Principia Audiomatica : "Systematic Sonority" - CD album
(MHCD031 - 1995)
01.Selforganizing Homeostatic Systems
02.Holographically Connected System
03.Functionally Isomorphic Systems
04.Encapsulated Modular System
05.Cognitive Penetrating System
06.Interactive Quantum System
07.Central Nervous System
08.Closed Thermodynamic System
+ Sinisa Ocurscak R.I.P. 1969 - 1997 +

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Member Since: 13/04/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Miljenko Rajakovic (Dj Mary) Sinisa Ocurscak R.I.P. '97
Influences: Clock DVA, Lustmord, Graeme Revell, T.A.G.C., Adi Newton, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Delerium (old albums), Cabaret Voltaire, S.P.K., William S. Burroughs, etc..
Sounds Like: Clock DVA, Lagowski, Legion, etc..

Record Label: Minus Habens Records
Type of Label: Indie

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