PlaYINg VollEyBALL,DAnCinG,dOINg oR INveNtInG SomE dANce stePS, WatCHInG dVDs,EAtINg, ShOppiNg WIth my MOm, read pocket books,BiKInG, pRcTiCe DrIvIng??!!
YOU!!! HEHehehhe.. aNYoNE hERE JUZ SeND A meSsaGe BUt Be SURe thAT YOU'RE NICe!
Myspace Layouts at / Louis Vuitton
HEHehEH... I dUnnO EXactLy.. CUz It DEpenDS oN Mah MooD
The rInG ,Ms. cOngEniALiTy 2, GEt A cLue,tOmB raiDEr 1 anD 2, JuSt LiKE HEavEn,REsIdeNt eViL 2,music and lyrics,honey, you got served, shall we dance, take the lead, bring it on 1 2 3, any many more
mtv,jack tv,star world, fashion tv,etc,hbo
bOOks wRiTtEn By DanIelle StEEl