Ciara profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

ThEy Say thAT i'm KinD.... I DoN't think So..... HehEHeh....i'm NAUgHtY aNd bUbbly....KnoWs hOW To DEAl WiTh GooD pEePZ...FriEndlY nd lOves fasHIoN . Has A hEigHT Of 5'4" Nd a waist of 25 hehehehe.... dnt ask my hips...LUvs tO EAt nUTs and chocol8s ferrero rocher...luVs tO WatCh dvds and mtv's pimp my ride and the playist...luvs 2 hang out with trish maf and liezl! my bez pals!!! luvs 2 shop with my mom anywhere khit ukay pa yan pa2tulan nmin! kami pah!!

My Interests

PlaYINg VollEyBALL,DAnCinG,dOINg oR INveNtInG SomE dANce stePS, WatCHInG dVDs,EAtINg, ShOppiNg WIth my MOm, read pocket books,BiKInG, pRcTiCe DrIvIng??!!

I'd like to meet:

YOU!!! HEHehehhe.. aNYoNE hERE JUZ SeND A meSsaGe BUt Be SURe thAT YOU'RE NICe!

Myspace Layouts at / Louis Vuitton


HEHehEH... I dUnnO EXactLy.. CUz It DEpenDS oN Mah MooD


The rInG ,Ms. cOngEniALiTy 2, GEt A cLue,tOmB raiDEr 1 anD 2, JuSt LiKE HEavEn,REsIdeNt eViL 2,music and lyrics,honey, you got served, shall we dance, take the lead, bring it on 1 2 3, any many more


mtv,jack tv,star world, fashion tv,etc,hbo


bOOks wRiTtEn By DanIelle StEEl

