metaphor, passion, wonder, movies, music, photography, art, museums, piano, knowledge, snowboarding, rollerblading, martial arts
Someone who is kind not only to me, but the rest of the world. Someone who doesn't have a deathwish for themselves and the people they meet. Someone who has passion or intelligence or talent or something unique to offer the world. Interesting people to make movies with.
10% of anything including:, Cocteau Twins, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, John Adams, Turin Brakes, Frou Frou, Bjork, Joni Mitchell, Pink Floyd's The Wall, but for dancing: funk
Koyaaniquatsi, Brazil, Amelie, Delicatessen, Taxi Driver, Being There, Apollo 13, Stranger Than Paradise, Contact, Sex Lies and Videotape, Blade Runner, Moulin Rouge, The Prophecy, Memento, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I read a lot of nonfiction