here come the waves lets make this officialwe cant go away commercial. COMMERCIAL. TELL ME STORIES. DANCING. wasn't expecting visitors, we have some things to clear up. talk from a city block. don't let butterfly cry anymore, quicker to answer his prayers. (intervention))). DISCOVERY. LOW-LIFE. HEARTS. QUIETi am afraid he doesnt know who i am yet. QUIETTAKING CARE OF MYSELFF.are we very poor(this is all we have left.) if he doesnt come back soon, we will all be in trouble. its an illusion. handwritten text as poems. jealousyy wife magikk. foreign. design. so he smiled and said " my dear wife, ill be back in the season of the roses." complete. madame. ||||||| LOVELY DAY ||||||||
I DO NOT GO DOWN TO MEET HIM.lights, lights. coming up slow. torn skin lips close. watcher sends you out. OUT.
CLOSERR girls with torn skin asking for more. on my way to heaven. drifting in front of sian alice. setting up for humiliation.on my way to heaven settings. image / image. no mirror. mild nights before summer. it's perfekkt. not by my standards. fasten. lit. like the boy who spends nights or the boy who writes. even the color is correct. waking before sleep.courage. birth. i want children.but i wont last for long. you can have all my possessions, they are all i had in life. i really thought they meant something. i wont last long.princess was murdered.
take away i made a split cassette tape with nic, buy it upp, 47 made