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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Christa and I'm an Elementary Education major and a Spanish minor at the fabulous Georgetown College. Here lately life has dealt me some pretty tough cards and I cannot wait to use them for the betterment of myself. That's right, for the next few months life is about me and me alone. I know this is rare for me, but it's about time. I cannot wait to meet new people and start a brand new chapter in my life. I'm very optimistic and I believe that God has great things in store for me. I am so pumped about being a teacher in 2 and a half years and I cannot wait to show God's love through teaching students. I adore children and, unlike most people these days, I believe Spanish is muy importante and I want to teach Spanish to children. If you have any questions just message me. I love meeting new people! (=

My Interests out with my friends.being silly.staying up late.being sneaky.birthdays.laughing until i can't breathe.playing with little kids.ballets.seeing a musical.performing.talking to that one special person all night long.summer.keeping secrets.running around barefooted.sleeping.Take the quiz:
What Musical Are You?

Bye Bye Birdie
You're Bye Bye Birdie! You're a hopeless Elvis fan! You love classics, and love to live your own life no matter what others say.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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I am in love with Linkin Park. But I really love all music. . Except for degrading rap.


aladdin.the breakfast club.sixteen candles.the butterfly effect.charlie and the chocolate factory.passion of the Christ.spiderman 1-2.just married. double jeopardy.uptown deeds.schindler's list.the's a wonderful life.american beauty.the patriot.fight club.singin' in the rain.saving private smith goes to washington.the wizard of oz.forrest gump.the sixth sense.mice and men.gone with the wind.spartacus.grease.


desperate housewives.cartoons.that 70s show.the nanny.golden girls


deception point.angels and demons.aimee.a time for and men.the fish two fish red fish blue fish.


JESUS CHRIST. my parents for loving sister for paving the friends for filling each day with laughter and helping me keep my chin up in the worst of situations.

My Blog

I didnt know. . .

I just don't understand how someone could be so unhappy with me for so long and I was completely oblivious.  I guess maybe he is right. I suppose we were growing apart or else I would have notice...
Posted by brevacious on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 09:48:00 PST

all the things that break you, are all the things that make you strong

"And happiness has it's own way of taking it's sweet time." There's always been something in the way.  A girlfriend, a crush, my way of never telling what I feel, my mother, money.  For the ...
Posted by brevacious on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 08:44:00 PST

it's just weird. . .

So, I've always been told that you see who your true friends are after high school. . . Well, I think I saw a small preview of that last night. . .  I figured that some of the girls that have alw...
Posted by brevacious on Mon, 01 May 2006 05:17:00 PST

And you kept telling me my grades wouldn't pay off. . .

AHHHH!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Okay, so all my life people kept telling me "you're working too hard. . you're not getting anywhere by taking those hard classes. Well, bull crap! Today, I was on my way ...
Posted by brevacious on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:57:00 PST

What exactly are these. . . "kudos" you speak of King Myspace?

Main Entry: ku·dos Pronunciation: 'kü-"däs, 'kyü-, -"dOs Function: noun Etymology: Greek kydos 1 : fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement : PRESTIGE  2 : praise given for achievem...
Posted by brevacious on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 04:28:00 PST

screw school spirit. . im a senior. . i'll do whatever the heck i want. . .

so, i WAS so freakin' excited for senior night. . . and pretty much the school forgot about the dance team. i don't know, maybe i'm overreacting but i've been looking forward to this every s...
Posted by brevacious on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 07:46:00 PST

fire and brimstone

So, I hate when people try and force their opinions on you.  Take today for example when I was talking to two of my friends about Christianity then this chick came up and was like "BLAH BLAH DON'...
Posted by brevacious on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 04:39:00 PST

i never seen one that large. . .

so, today i'm sitting in the library with stephanie and she comes and paper clips my pants. . MY PANTS. . and you would think that a paper clip couldn't hold pants, but this one could. it was by far t...
Posted by brevacious on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 05:44:00 PST