Member Since: 12/04/2007
Band Members: The Animal - Throat Strain,
Simon Wolf- Lead Guitar,
Rod Slayer- Bass Guitar/Programming,
Baron Von Machine- On Drums
Influences: edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Human Suit, featuring Baron Von
Add to My Profile | More VideosEquipment:
SIMON- BC Rich guitars, B-52 AT-212 All Tube 100 watt amplifier +Tri-Mode Rectifier, Dimebag Darrell Crybaby From Hell, Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde
ROD- Fender basses, Peavy Amplification, ART FX Processor
DR.- EV Microphones, Peavy and Fender Amplification, Fender Mixer
BARON- Tama Drums, Zildjian Cymbals, Remo Heads, Vick Firth Sticks
here are some Gwar videos from November 2, 2008 in Cedar Rapids, IA:Gwar in Cedar Rapids Nov. 2, 2008
Gwar in Cedar Rapids
Sounds Like: The end of the earth is near, or Hell is freezing over, or warring factions of rhinoceros, elephants, and crocodiles.
Record Label: Unsigned