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I am here for Friends

About Me

: There is lovemaking that is bad for a person, just as there is eating that is bad. That boysenberry cream pie from the Thrift-E Mart may appear inviting,may, in fact, cause all nine hundred taste buds to carol from the tongue, but in the end, the sugars, the additives, the empty calories clog arteries, disrupt cells, generate fat, and rot teeth. Even potentially nourishing foods can be improperly prepared. There are wrong combinations and improper preparations in sex as well. Yes, one must prepare for a fuck -- the way an enlightened priest prepares to celebrate mass, the way a great matador prepares for the ring: with intensification, with purification, with a conscious summoning of sacred power. And even that won't work if the ingredients are poorly matched: oysters are delectable, so are strawberries, but mashed together . . . (?!) Every nutritious sexual recipe calls for at least a pinch of love, and the fucks that rate four-star rankings from both gourmets and health-food nuts use cupfuls. Not that sex should be regarded as therapeutic or to be taken for medicinal purposes -- only a dullard would hang such a millstone around the nibbledn eck of a lay -- but to approach sex carelessly, shallowly, with detachment and without warmth is to dine night after night in erotic greasy spoons. In time, one's palate will become insensitive, one will suffer (without knowing it) emotional malnutrition, the skin of the soul will fester with scurvy, the teeth of the heart will decay. Neither duration nor proclamation of commitment is necessarily the measure -- there are ephemeral explosions of passion between strangers that make more erotic sense than many lengthy marriages, there are one-night stands in Jersey City more glorious than six-month affairs in Paris -- but finally thereis a commitment, however brief; a purity, however threatened; a vulnerability, however concealed; a generosity of spirit, however marbled with need; an honest caring, however singed by lust, that must be present if couplings are to be salubrious and not slow poison. - tom robbinsAIM screen name: grindcoregt

My Interests

you wouldn't be able to tell, but i play the trumpet.Take the quiz: "What Hardcore band are you? (revised)"

You are Converge. You have been around the scene for a really long time and continue to reamian a driving force only getting better. Every time when you think you have done your best you blow everyone away with more cool stuff.

I'd like to meet:

The Legend of Three Faces of Eve began millions of years ago when the aliens rampaged across the galaxy with a gang of space pirates called the Scumdogs of the Universe. Falling out of favor with their Master, Three Faces of Eve was imprisoned on the most remote mudball planet in the galaxy...Earth. After killing off the dinosaurs and inadvertently creating the human species by raping prehistoric apes, Three Faces of Eve began to significantly influence the development of the planet, until that wild gig in Atlantis, when it was decided that Three Faces of Eve should be entombed in Antarctica. Thus, preventing them from screwing up Earth any further. Several thousand years later Three Faces of Eve were stumbled upon and awakened by, Sleazy P. Martini, a known pimp, pusher, pornographer, and record executive for Capitalist Records, accidentally stumbled into Three Faces of Eve's Antarctic tomb and woke them. He took them to New York, gave them electric guitars, and began to market them as his latest Rock-n-Roll sensation. Some of Three Faces of Eve's adventures are chronicled in their albums, comics, and videos, but there are still plenty of Three Faces of Eve stories waiting to be told. Now the only way to truly validate your life before death is to join the masses of "lowly zit-ridden scum of outcast prepubescence" when Three Faces of Eve comes to ravish and bloody your mutant town.AIM screen name: grindcoregt


currently: PIG DESTROYER: '38 counts of battery' 'prowler in the yard' 'painter of dead girls'DEATH: 'leprosy' 'human' 'individual thought patterns' 'symbolic' 'the sound of perseverance' 'live and raw: live in la'CANNIBLE CORPSE: 'tomb of the mutilated' 'the bleeding' 'the wretched spawn'MORBID ANGEL: 'covenant'HELMET: 'strap it on' 'meantime' 'betty'TODAY IS THE DAY: 'temple of the morning star' 'in the eyes of god' 'sadness will prevail' 'kiss the pig'GOREROTTED: 'mutilated in minutes' 'only tools and corpses'CEPHALIC CARNAGE: 'exploiting disfunction' 'lucid interval'SLAYER: 'reign in blood'NILE: 'amongst the catacombs of nephren-ka' 'black seeds of vengence' 'in their darkened shrines'PRIMUS: 'frizzle fry' 'sailing the seas of cheese' 'pork soda'HATE ETERNAL: 'king of all kings'SUFFOCATION: 'pierced from within' 'souls to deny'KRISIUN: 'works of carnage'CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN: 'human harvest'DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN: 's/t' 'under the running board' 'calculating infinity'DYING FETUS: 'destroy the opposition'EXHUMED: 'goremetal' 'anatomy is destiny'LAMB OF GOD: 'burn the priest' 'new american gospel' 'as the palaces burn' 'ashes of the wake'PANTERA: 'vulgar display of power' 'far beyond driven' 'the great southern trendkill'THE RED CHORD: 'fuzed together in revolving doors'CONVERGE: 'petitioning the empty sky' 'when forever comes crashing' 'jane doe'COPLAND: 'quiet city'


Snatch, Rocky, Rocky II, The Big Lebowski, Requiem for a Dream, Deam Theater: Scenes from New York, Half Baked, Dirty Harry, Death Wish, American History X, Seven
You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
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Television Rots Your Brain!!!, but Adult Swim is the shit. Aqua Teen Hunger Force owns allimg src=" ake.jpg" border="0"


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Clockers, Johnny Got His Gun, Cool Hand Luke, Beneath the Underdog, All Quiet on the Western Front, Born on the Fourth of July, The Hot House, A Clockwork Orange, Children of Cain


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Which Bob Dylan song are you?
Don't Think Twice

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My Blog

Yesterday i graduated from college

What the fuck am i going to do now?!?!..crap
Posted by Blaine on Sun, 14 May 2006 07:41:00 PST

oh yeah

i also heart the shit out of queen
Posted by Blaine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

New Music That i Think is Good

I posted my"Music Preferences" a pretty long time ago... and since then new albums have come out... old favs revisited... you know the deal ...well here is some of the new(ish) stuff i've been heari...
Posted by Blaine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

back in winchester

i have returned to my third year of college and am no longer in town. if you need me, you know how to get me
Posted by Blaine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i am at work

i am at work.... and it sucks
Posted by Blaine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Goddamn cicadas in my goddamn house

let me tell you about suck... for the past week or so we have been having an infestation of cicadas, you know the bugs that lay dormant in the ground for 17 years and then come out to fuck all over m...
Posted by Blaine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST