SxE Hardcore. CHristain Metal of any kind. The Bible, My Wife, dog and two cats. Football GO PATRIOTS (i was born there so f the rest). OLdschool Video games like castlevania, ghouls and ghosts.
I'd like to meet:
PEople DOwn WIth HxC and SxE. Fellow families in Christ. People who are doers and not sayers. The lord so i can ask him so many questions. NO innocent Victim, Horsemen of The Apocalypse, As I lay, and all my lost friends back in PX.
NO innocent Victim, If Tomorrow Never Comes, XdiscipleX, Zao, Converge, Dying Fetus, Crimson Thorne, Local Bands, Agonstic Front, Oi Polloi, Pig Destroyer, Cephalic Carnage, August Burns Red, DEstroy the Runner, Old Haste The Day.
What metal band are you?
You are Death! You are one of the key inventors of modern day death metal. With every album you've always gotten better. well respected in the music industry. The metal world wept when your band creator passed away from a brain tumor. Symbolism is an important property in your music.
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The bible, plato socrates, Immanule Kant, faith building books, Sun Zu's Art of WAr, The Prince by Machevelli, LOrd of Chaos for historical purposes.
Fellow SxE, My parents, My boss, Jesus De christo, MY homie Andriod, My trully down homies, and of course your momma.