Ok, every band has a biography so we need to have one too. ZxExDx was formed in 1983 or 84 i´m not sure, by 3 guys who were watching the police academy movie while listening to adolescents. We needed money desperately so we decided to start a trendy band that would sounded like our heros. We played a few shows and then tought the trio thing wasn't good enough so we got a bassist. 20 years later the band met when one of us got married and so we decided to record a demotape in 2004 called: servir e proteger - "to protect and to serve". It has lots of hardcore anthems like: a morte esta no teu prato - "death is on your plate" or nao vamos deixar - "we won´t let". 20 years later and with influences from bands like the early dc punk/hardcore bands void, s.o.a., teen idles and lots of it, and also the pre-hardcore european thrash bands like larm, heresy or ripcord
we felt that we needed to start listening other stuff so we went to asia to spend one year and record a new split 7" with venice from argentina. After seeing some good shows from bands like jellyroll rockheads, gauze, d.s.b., razor´s edge, deathside and other goodbands. So that´s our story we play fast and furious political punk/hardcore thrash with direct and political lyrics. Like some guys say:
positive, political and powerful. And we still lie in biographies, ahah.