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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

It was upon a day, a summer's day;-- Summer's indeed a very dangerous season, And so is spring about the end of May; The sun, no doubt, is the prevailing reason; But whatsoever the cause is, one may say, And stand convicted of more truth than treason, That there are months which nature grows more merry in,-- March has its hares, and May must have its heroine.

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...really something interesting...

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Add to My Profile | More VideosL I K E long yellow scarfs,driving fast in a cold weather with open windows and heater on,NESQUIK,staying under the water as long as possible,coffee in BORDERS,first sip of a cold beer,sleep on a sofa in a living room with music on,shower...not alone,fresh fish with soy sauce,brand new book with CD,old streets,talking to myself...loud too,fairy tales,night coffee bars with live jazz band,scent of a woman,street lights,walking drunk on the streets,being alone,pea coat,southern France,Southern comfortwoman dancing flamenco,getting wet under the rain,looking on the painting "NIGHT PARIS" by Korovin, be continued

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