I think my life would be complete if I could just sit down to dinner with Kermit the frog and pick his brain to find out how he became such a playa and why all the ladies adore him. With that knowledge I feel that I would be able to conquer the world, or atleast the parking lot at the local 99 cent store, baby steps.... We cant all be famous over nite. I would like to meet the Bunny Rabbit because he is furry like me and still wins popularity contests like no other. Dude, you know who would have been so cool to kick it with... George Burns! Now that man was a straight pimp... I guess I want to meet all ya'll that take the time to send me a invite or message. Im down to meet anyone and chat it up, it obviously helps if you are a beautiful lady... So I guess the overall goal here is to be able to write in this thing like all the rockstars do "Im sorry if I cant respond to all the messages and comments that you send me, I get like 4 million a day and just dont have the time to respond so dont be mad if I dont but I do appreciate them all and read them whenever I get the chance. Thanks for your support. MUAH!!!"