Hello! I am Samantha York. I am very outgoing person and never afraid to take the risk. I learned that sometimes you have to try everything before to become the person you want to be. I don't want to be the perfect girl everyone's dreaming of but I want to be the best on what I can do. I am friendly- I really love to meet all kinds of people. They are the person who helps me mould my Personality. So please be gentle on me. What you teach me, I might get adopted to it and will grow the way I was being taught.
I love to do mountain climbing - been to Mount Kinabalu . I also like to hike, skii and do bungee jumping. I almost enjoyed all the sports but most of the time you see me reading novels, love story. I also love to watch movies-comedy, action and love story. I always watch my movie online they are so cool. Sorry Suspense movies are not my typed.
When I am not doing anything, you usually see me at my favorite grocery store to shop and earn money. That's what I love on that store. Believe me every time I shop I bring home good goodies without spending too much. Most of the time I spent only a couple of dollar for $40 worth of groceries. I got that secret here! Shh! Don't tell anybody about it.
The money I saved, I used them to buy my personal stuff like Ipod after I found out how easy to download MP3 Music , upgrades for my computer, car accessories and many more.
My life don't stop there, I love to travel a lot by myself or with friends especially when I get Free Vacation .
You might asked, if I know how to cook. Honestly, that's only thing I miss I love to eat but I don't know how to cook. So I created a website so people can publish and share their recipe at www.tastemycooking.com.
You will learn more about me once you get to know me....