Turbo Machine Enterprises was started July 2006 in order to take all our worst ideas to their full extent.
so far we're responsible for:
-a record label(first release "dare to ride the heliocraft" by Trigger Effect)
-a promotion company(We put on the annual festival"Fear and Loathing in Montreal" which draws close to seven hundred for the past 3 years. as well as "Rock Fight" another annual event where bands actually battle for money, a large trophy and the opportunity to beat up their friends)
-operating D.I.Y venue Turbo Haus!
-Trigger Effect
any booking inquires for turbo haus! or Trigger Effect should be sent to [email protected]. any inquires for fear and loathing or rock fight should be sent to the attention Nick at [email protected]. any other questions can just be sent here or to [email protected].